2016.12.18 4th Advent
From Darkness to Light
The Greatest Gift
The Greatest Gift
Simeon and Anna
Good Morning everyone… We are very glad that you are here on this 4th Advent Morning… I have Good News for you… His name is Jesus…
When I think about this wonderful time of
year, I think of beautiful bright lights and candles... Light piercing
the darkness of long winter nights… and bringing joy and smiles to our faces...
Truly a wonderful time...
I think of joy filled music… and songs of
worship and praise... I think of the birth of Jesus... The long promised Messiah... I think
of all of the prophesies written in the scriptures... I think of their wonderful
fulfillment recorded in the Gospels...
I think of the Glorious light of the Gospel
shining brightly… to show us Jesus… the only hope against the deep darkness of
sin and death...
I think of Advent markets… I think that
some of you are here because we invited you to share the Joy of Advent with
us…. Welcome… Many of you were here
serving and enjoying our outreach yesterday…. Many of you worked very hard to
make crafts and bake and set up…. Many of you wrapped gifts of cookies and
Bibles to give away as Presents… And all of it because of Jesus… I love Christmas presents… At this time of
I think of presents and choices… I want
to tell you a true Christmas Story from my life…
Chemistry set or a Christmas Sweater
When I was 11 years old… I repented and asked
Jesus to forgive me for my sins… My life began to change… I begged my
parents to let me attend the Adult Bible study that was meeting in my home… And
they let me as long as I promised not to talk… I was thrilled night after night
to hear about Jesus from One of our Pastors… They made me sit on the floor in
the corner… Egal… I still remember the joy of studying the Bible with them…
That was more than fifty years ago… I began to need to make difficult choices… Chemistry
set… Hard choices…
What do I spend my money on… What do I want
more… Will give up my desires and wishes to serve Jesus… He has changed my
life… ……… ….. Already as a boy I
knew that my choices… My life was never going to be the same… I loved to read
and study the Bible…. It is wonderful…. Words of Life for a little boy
and for an old man too… I think of Jesus…. He is the greatest gift to
mankind… Jesus reminds of another true Christmas Story… It had been promised
for thousands of years… God promised to send a redeemer…
This morning we are going to think about
presents and choices… To think about waiting… My mom had been promising me that
Finally I would get that long promised Chemistry set… I had waited and hoped
and dreamed of it of so long… Well in a similar way… God´s people had been
waiting … Not for a couple of years…. They had been waiting for
centuries… Here in the Bible the Prophets recorded His promises… And
God´s people clung to those promises with all of their hearts…
We will look at a few of them this morning… One of the
greatest prophets is Isaiah… Isaiah is often called the 5 Gospel because
it tells us so much about His Coming … And His life and work in atoning
for our sins… He wrote many Prophesies of the Messiah... Please look
with me at Isaiah 9...
Isaiah 9: 1-3 NLT
Neues Leben
1 Nevertheless, that time of darkness and despair will not go on
forever. The land of Zebulun and Naphtali will be humbled, but there will be a
time in the future when Galilee of the Gentiles, which lies along the road that
runs between the Jordan and the sea, will be filled with glory. 2 The people who walk in darkness will see a
great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine.
3 You will enlarge the nation of Israel, and its people will rejoice. They will
rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest and like warriors dividing
the plunder.
23 Doch diese
Zeit der Dunkelheit und Verzweiflung wird nicht für immer andauern. Wurden
früher auch das Land Sebulon und das Land Naftali gedemütigt, so wird später
das Gebiet der Völker, die Gott nicht kennen, die Straße am Meer jenseits des
Jordan, zu Ehren kommen. 1 Denn das Volk, das in der Dunkelheit lebt, sieht ein
helles Licht. Und über den Menschen in einem vom Tode überschatteten Land
strahlt ein heller Schein. 2 Du
vermehrst das Volk und schenkst ihm große Freude. Es freut sich über dich wie
ein Volk zur Erntezeit, wie jubelnde Menschen, die Beute unter sich
Again this morning… We are looking at the very familiar account of the
Birth of Jesus… We are looking at some of the first people to meet this Baby
born in a Manger…. The Messiah… The Lord Jesus… Last week we were in the Gospel
of Luke…. That is where we are this morning as well… God´s gift to the World has come… Jesus has been born and his
parents have taken Him to the temple to dedicate Him to the Lord… Let´s pick up
the Text beginning at Luke 2v 21...
Luke 2: 21- 24 NLT Neues Leben
21 Eight days later, when the
baby was circumcised, he was named JESUS, the name given him by the angel even
before he was conceived. 22 Then it was time for their purification offering,
as required by the law of Moses after the birth of a child; so his parents took
him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord. 23 The law of the Lord says, “If a
woman’s first child is a boy, he must be dedicated to the Lord.” 24 So they
offered the sacrifice required in the law of the Lord—“either a pair of
turtledoves or two young pigeons.”
21 Als das
Kind acht Tage später beschnitten wurde, gab man ihm den Namen Jesus - so wie
der Engel ihn schon genannt hatte, bevor Maria schwanger wurde.
22 Dann kam
die Zeit des Reinigungsopfers, das im Gesetz Moses nach der Geburt eines Kindes
vorgeschrieben ist. Maria und Josef gingen mit ihm nach Jerusalem, um ihn dem
Herrn zu weihen.
23 Denn im
Gesetz des Herrn steht: Alle erstgeborenen Söhne müssen dem Herrn geweiht
24 Sie
brachten das Reinigungsopfer dar, wie es das Gesetz vorschrieb: »Ein Paar
Turteltauben oder zwei junge Tauben.
v21… They named Him Jesus… That means God is Salvation… It is
from the same basic root as the name Joshua and Jehoshua…
v22.....purification offering... These
offerings are also found in Lev 12...
In the case of Jesus and Mary… 2 doves were sacrificed because they were
poor... not rich... Jesus was not rich during his life on earth... In fact Paul
reminds us that Jesus became poor...
for us... 2 Cor 8: 9…
Luke 2… v.23…
Luke 2: 23,
24 NLT Neues Leben
23 The law of the Lord says, “If a woman’s first child is a boy, he must
be dedicated to the Lord.” 24 So they
offered the sacrifice required in the law of the Lord—“either a pair of
turtledoves or two young pigeons.”
23 Denn im
Gesetz des Herrn steht: Alle erstgeborenen Söhne müssen dem Herrn geweiht werden.
24 Sie brachten das Reinigungsopfer dar, wie es das Gesetz vorschrieb: »Ein
Paar Turteltauben oder zwei junge Tauben.
v23- 24..... Mary and Joseph were following the command to Dedicate the first born son to the
This comes from the principle that everything
we have….. our families and our children all are gifts from the Lord….. We are
reminded that we have been redeemed by the LORD… Exodus 13: 11-16…
Last week we spent time looking at John the Baptists parents… Zacharias
and Elizabeth… Two wonderful old saints who waited patiently for the Lord to
send His promised Messiah… They trusted the Lord´s HESED… His unfailing love… even
though they struggled in their daily lives… They waited for decades until the
Lord took away Elizabeth’s shame and gave them a son… They were ordinary
genuine believers… They waited for the promise of God…
Now I would like for us to take a look at two more
ordinary… but wonderful people… They were some of the first to see Jesus and
recognize Him as the Lord… first Simeon… Luke 2: 25-28…
Luke 2: 25 – 28 NLT Neues Leben
25 And behold, there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon, and
this man was just and devout, waiting for the Consolation of Israel, and the
Holy Spirit was upon him. 26 And it had
been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he
had seen the Lord’s Christ. 27 So he
came by the Spirit into the temple. And when the parents brought in the Child
Jesus, to do for Him according to the custom of the law, 28 he took Him up in
his arms and blessed God and said:
25 Und siehe,
ein Mann war in Jerusalem, mit Namen Simeon; und dieser Mann war fromm und
gottesfürchtig und wartete auf den Trost Israels, und der Heilige Geist war mit
ihm. 26 Und ihm war ein Wort zuteil geworden von dem Heiligen Geist, er solle
den Tod nicht sehen, er habe denn zuvor den Christus des Herrn gesehen. 27 Und
er kam auf Anregen des Geistes in den Tempel. Und als die Eltern das Kind Jesus
in den Tempel brachten, um mit ihm zu tun, wie es Brauch ist nach dem Gesetz, 28
da nahm er ihn auf seine Arme und lobte Gott und sprach:
v25.... Simeon was a God fearer... He was righteous and
devout ….. He eagerly waited for the… KJV…. Consolation (comfort) of Israel..... ( Trost Israels)
This was a special name for the Messiah! Comforter and deliverer..... 2
Cor 1 tells us that our great God is the God of all comfort…..
v25b… The Holy Spirit was upon him…. He was filled with and led by the holy Spirit……..
v26…… He will live to see the Salvation of God….. He will live to see the Messiah!.... That promise was a
great comfort to Him ……he was a God fearer…..he wanted Israel to be redeemed….. he prayed for the redemption of
Israel he cried out for mercy for the people….. he prayed for the consolation
of Israel…..
v27, 28…. The Holy Spirit led
him to the temple that day…….. He took the child in his arms and praised God… Let´s continue on and see what Simeon did when
he finally saw the Messiah… This is what he said…
Luke 2: 29 - 35 NLT Neues Leben
29 “Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have
promised. 30 I have seen your salvation, 31 which you have prepared for all
people. 32 He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of
your people Israel!” 33 Jesus’ parents were amazed at what was being said about
him. 34 Then Simeon blessed them, and he said to Mary, the baby’s mother, “This
child is destined to cause many in Israel to fall, but he will be a joy to many
others. He has been sent as a sign from God, but many will oppose him. 35 As a
result, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will
pierce your very soul.”
29 »Herr, nun
kann ich in Frieden sterben! Wie du es mir versprochen hast, 30 habe ich den
Retter gesehen, 31 den du allen Menschen geschenkt hast. 32 Er ist ein Licht,
das den Völkern Gott offenbaren wird, und er ist die Herrlichkeit deines Volkes
Israel!« 33 Josef und Maria staunten, als sie hörten, was Simeon über Jesus
sagte. 34 Simeon aber segnete sie und sagte zu Maria: »Dieses Kind wird von
vielen in Israel abgelehnt werden, und das wird ihren Untergang bedeuten. Für
viele andere Menschen aber wird er die höchste Freude sein. 35 Auf diese Weise
wird an den Tag kommen, was viele im Innersten bewegt. Doch auch durch deine
Seele wird ein Schwert dringen.«
v29… “Thank you Lord….. I´m ready
to come home now….
v30… I have seen your salvation…. Simeon said…..
We who have repented
and believed the Gospel… have also seen His Salvation... we have also been
We are sent into the World to tell
the Good News..... There is hope....! There is forgiveness…… There is
comfort and redemption.... The light of the World is here…….. He has turned
back the darkness……… forever……
Simeon goes on to tell Mary that not everyone will receive the Advent of
the Messiah with Gladness and joy…. Some will hate Him… Because he shows them
the deepest thoughts of their hearts… He is also preparing her for the death
and crucifixion of the Lord Jesus….
Let´s look again at the text….. We will meet Anna next…. Luke 2…v….36…
Luke 2: 36 - 40
NLT Neues Leben
36 Anna, a prophet, was also there in the Temple. She was the daughter
of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher, and she was very old. Her husband died when
they had been married only seven years. 37 Then she lived as a widow to the age
of eighty-four. She never left the Temple but stayed there day and night,
worshiping God with fasting and prayer. 38 She came along just as Simeon was
talking with Mary and Joseph, and she began praising God. She talked about the
child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue Jerusalem.
39 When Jesus’ parents had fulfilled all the requirements of the law of the
Lord, they returned home to Nazareth in Galilee. 40 There the child grew up
healthy and strong. He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on him.
36 Im Tempel
befand sich auch Hanna, eine Prophetin. Sie war eine Tochter Phanuëls aus dem
Stamm Asser und schon sehr alt. Hanna war Witwe. Ihr Mann war nach nur sieben
Jahren Ehe gestorben.
37 Jetzt war
sie vierundachtzig Jahre alt und verließ den Tempel nie mehr, sondern diente
Gott dort Tag und Nacht mit Fasten und Beten.
38 Als Simeon
mit Maria und Josef sprach, ging sie vorbei und begann, Gott zu loben. Allen,
die auf die verheißene Erlösung Israels warteten, erzählte sie von Jesus.
39 Als Maria
und Josef alles erfüllt hatten, was nach dem Gesetz des Herrn vorgeschrieben
ist, kehrten sie nach Nazareth in Galiläa zurück.
40 Dort wuchs
Jesus heran und wurde groß und kräftig. Er war mit Weisheit erfüllt, und Gottes
besondere Gnade ruhte auf ihm.
v 36 - 37........Anna....she was very old.... 84...and a widow..... she was probably
childless.... a curse to the Jews way of thinking.... she was very
ordinary...... not royalty....
and yet she gets to meet the KING OF KINGS and LORD of LORD`S…..
She was not related to the High Priestly family.... the fact that she
was a widowed a such a young age was not considered to be a blessing.... but
she was not bitter..... she was a great example to those around her.... she
devoted herself to serving and worshipping the LORD....
v37... She never left the Temple but stayed there day and night,
worshiping God with fasting and prayer...
Anna was an active
participant in the life of the temple.....a godly woman..... a true
worshiper.... she was not bitter..... she
looked for the redeemer...The LORD was her whole life.... she was not missing
something in her life....
Her life was full and blessed... She
was totally focused on the only thing that mattered... The LORD GOD... She
trusted the LORD with her life... At long last she got to see the Messiah...
What a privilege… What a Blessing…
Simeon and Elizabeth made their
choices…. They chose to trust God… To Trust God with their lives… This morning
I want to invite you to chose… Chose Jesus…. Chose life… Chose forgiveness and
mercy… You will be surprised to discover that the joyful Christian life that
you have always wanted begins at the manger… The Greatest Gift of all Immanuel… Hand out Presents…
It is the greatest gift Because of the Cross… It´s shadow was already over the manger that Christmas morning…
And it is Good News for us…
We have seen and heard Jesus... we have been redeemed...
We should tell everyone the Good News...We should be constantly praising
and glorifying God in everything that we say and do... even when our lives are
not exactly what we expected… Even when we don´t understand His plan for our
We are here on Earth for a purpose... Jesus said all authority in Heaven
and Earth is given to me... Go into all the World and make disciples...
We are here in the body for a purpose...... we are members of one
another...we belong to each other.... we are here in the church so that we
can love and encourage each other....pray for each other...... cover each
others sins with love..... and mercy and forgiveness...... we have the blessing
of bearing one another’s burdens...... we can lighten each others load.....
Even though we are ordinary people..... sinners saved by Grace..... because of
His unfailing LOVE...... we have a Savior.....
We are celebrating the birth of the Savior...
Jesus the Messiah!!!
but we must remember ... The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the
Whole world was born to die...
we need to look forward to the Cross to understand what Simeon said to
Our redeemer came to suffer and to die... as Isaiah prophesied so long
To die to redeem us... He came to die so that we could live with Him
forever... What unfailing LOVE... What Mercy...
He cried out to God for forgiveness..... He remembered God´s Unfailing
Love and Mercy..... He repented and became a man after God´s own heart… That´s
mercy friends… whatever you have hidden away in your heart… the stuff that we
can´t see… God see´s it all… He calls out to each of us to repent… to confess
our sins… because if we confess our sins… He will forgive us and cleanse us
from all unrighteousness…
1 John 1 : 9…
You know what is Glorious about
this season?
It´s that we who have repented and
believed the Gospel… We who did not deserve Mercy have received the greatest gift…
Mercy and forgiveness for our sins…
The Light of the World has come…
The Glorious light of the Gospel has shone into our
hearts… And we have cried out for forgiveness… And… What a Gift…
He has forgiven us… And it should change every relationship in our lives…
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