Sunday, May 24, 2015

2015.05.24                         Acts 20: 28-35
        Paul´s love and example to the church
When I think of the ministry of Paul…. I think of the letters that he wrote to the churches…   In Acts 20 we see Paul's love in action… because here he expresses his love for the Lord Jesus… and his love for the church by his self-sacrifice and his dedication to the ministry…... Last week we looked at Paul´s love for the church…. And this morning we continue to see his love for the church as he ministers to the Elders from Ephesus…. He will encourage and warn them before he goes on to Jerusalem…
The Lord Jesus Christ taught by example….. Do to people what I have done to you….. He demonstrated his love to them early disciples everyday…. Even by washing their feet….. Time and again, Jesus demonstrated what the disciples were to do by doing it himself……
In Acts 1:1…. Luke says, "The former treatise have I written to you, Theopholos, of all that Jesus began to do and teach….. Jesus not only taught…. but he set an example for us…..
Paul was and still is….  a tremendous example of Godly… servant hearted ministry…. Paul led by example as he followed Jesus….  The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy and told him how to be a leader….. he put it in one simple statement….. 1 Timothy 4…v12,13….
 1 Timothy 4: 12,13               NKJV  slt 200012
12 Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 13 Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.
12 Niemand verachte dich wegen deiner Jugend, sondern sei den Gläubigen ein Vorbild im Wort, im Wandel, in der Liebe, im Geist, im Glauben, in der Keuschheit!
13 Bis ich komme, sei bedacht auf das Vorlesen, das Ermahnen und das Lehren.
That´s a great list… You could say… Be an example in everything….. Love the people…. And Teach the Word….
Paul said to the Philippians, "The things that you have seen in me do…. Phil 4:9….
Be an example…. Follow my example… Peter also called on the elders of the church to be an example…. Turn to 1 Peter 5…v2… Let´s see what he said to the elders….  
1 Peter 5: 2,3                         NLT
2 Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. 3 Don’t lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example.
1 Peter 5: 2,3                     Neues Leben
2 Sorgt gut für die Herde Gottes, die euch anvertraut ist. Hütet sie gern und nicht widerwillig, sondern wie Gott es will. Kümmert euch nicht um sie, um euch Vorteile zu verschaffen, sondern weil ihr Gott gerne dienen wollt.
3 Dabei sollt ihr die Menschen, die eurer Leitung unterstellt sind, nicht bevormunden, sondern sie durch euer gutes Beispiel leiten. ….
Paul was mightily used by the Lord in the early days of the church… Many came to the Lord…. He planted churches and wrote a large part of the New Testament…
The reason Paul was so successful was he was an example of what it means to follow the Lord…… He followed Jesus….. Jesus laid down His life for us….
Paul joyfully suffered for the sake of the Lord Jesus… There was nothing that Paul was unwilling to do for the sake of the Gospel… He did not even count his life dear to himself….. Acts 20…v…24…
Paul was the real deal…. Genuine…. He was totally transformed by the Lord Jesus……
The Lord poured grace and mercy into his life…. Paul knew the proper response that he….. and all believers should make to such grace… turn to Romans 12….v1…
Romans 12:1,2                   NKJV    slt 2000
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
1 Ich ermahne euch nun, ihr Brüder, angesichts der Barmherzigkeit Gottes, daß ihr eure Leiber darbringt als ein lebendiges, heiliges, Gott wohlgefälliges Opfer: das sei euer vernünftiger Gottesdienst!
2 Und paßt euch nicht diesem Weltlauf an, sondern laßt euch [in eurem Wesen] verwandeln durch die Erneuerung eures Sinnes, damit ihr prüfen könnt, was der gute und wohlgefällige und vollkommene Wille Gottes ist.
v1a… I beseech you therefore brethren.… This reminds us that Paul appeals to our will….. God calls us to make a choice about the way that we live for the Lord…..
Living for the Lord means that we stop living for ourselves….. As believers we need to stop saying….. I want … I need … I deserve…. Paul begs us as Christians to live for the Lord…. Because of all that God did for us…… He has given us Redemption…. grace…. Forgiveness…. And of course His mercy….. look at 1b…
v1b… By the mercies of God…  Paul reminds us that we ought do this because of the mercy shown to us by God….   God commanded us to do this…. and He makes it possible for us to do it….. Possible because he has transformed our lives…. He has taken out our heart of Stone and given us a new heart…. and He put his Spirit in us…. Ezek 36….v…26,27…
v1c… Present your bodies a living sacrifice…. This verse is connected with the idea of a living sacrifice….   Spiritually speaking…. We present our bodies…. Our will and emotions….. It is clear… Everything that we are and everything that we have Is the Lord´s…. Why?..  because he has redeemed us…. Paul also exhorts us to Holy Living as we give ourselves completely to the Lord…Turn to Romans 6…. V12…
Romans 6: 12-14                         NLT  
12 Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires.
13 Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.
14 Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace.
Romans 6: 12-14                           Neues Leben
12 Lasst nicht die Sünde euer Leben beherrschen; gebt ihrem Drängen nicht nach.
13 Lasst keinen Teil eures Körpers zu einem Werkzeug für das Böse werden, um mit ihm zu sündigen. Stellt euch stattdessen ganz Gott zur Verfügung, denn es ist euch ein neues Leben geschenkt worden. Euer Körper soll ein Werkzeug zur Ehre Gottes sein, so dass ihr tut, was gerecht ist!
14 Die Sünde hat die Macht über euch verloren, denn ihr steht nicht mehr unter dem Gesetz, sondern seid durch Gottes Gnade frei geworden.
Because of the wonderful freedom of God´s grace….. We can use our bodies as instruments of righteousness….  Putting our bodies on the altar…. Presenting our very lives to the Lord as a living sacrifice…. keeps the body where it should be…… Dead to sin and alive to serve God… We should live lives that are totally dedicated to the Lord who redeemed us from the slavery of Sin….
Back to Romans 12…v…

Romans 12:1,2                   NKJV    slt 2000
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
1 Ich ermahne euch nun, ihr Brüder, angesichts der Barmherzigkeit Gottes, daß ihr eure Leiber darbringt als ein lebendiges, heiliges, Gott wohlgefälliges Opfer: das sei euer vernünftiger Gottesdienst!
2 Und paßt euch nicht diesem Weltlauf an, sondern laßt euch [in eurem Wesen] verwandeln durch die Erneuerung eures Sinnes, damit ihr prüfen könnt, was der gute und wohlgefällige und vollkommene Wille Gottes ist.
When Paul begged that they make themselves a living sacrifice…. It was a powerful word picture….. First century people knew exactly what sacrifice was all about…..
v1d… Holy, acceptable to God….. When we offer our selves….. God intends it to be a holy and acceptable sacrifice…..  In the Old Testament….. The sacrifice had to be without blemish, pure  and holy…. Set aside for God…..
v1e… Reasonable service…. The ancient Greek word for reasonable (logikos) Our reasonable service is a life of worship…. Serving the Lord with our whole heart…. Verse 2 shows us the how…. How do we live for the Lord?...
2a… Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…
Paul warns us that the world system is against God...….. The popular culture and world view is in rebellion against God…. The world will try to conform us to its ungodly pattern….. and we must turn away from that easy path….. Instead we must be transformed by the Lord…. How do we resist the ways of the culture all around us…. Christians must think differently….. We need the Bible to do that…. The Bible is like a mirror… It is the Word of God that the Holy Spirit uses to teach and help us….. 2 Timothy 3…v….16….
2 Timothy 3: 16,17                NKJV   slt 2000
16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.
17 God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.
16 Die ganze Schrift ist von Gottes Geist eingegeben und kann uns lehren, was wahr ist, und uns erkennen lassen, wo Schuld in unserem Leben ist. Sie weist uns zurecht und erzieht uns dazu, Gottes Willen zu tun.
17 Durch die Schrift bereitet Gott uns umfassend vor und rüstet uns aus für alles, was wir nach seinem Willen tun sollen.
This is very important…… The Word of God teaches and shows us what´s wrong with our lives… And look at verse 17…. God uses it to equip us…. For ministry and every good work…. Back to Romans 12…v2…
Romans 12: 1,2                   NKJV    slt 2000
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
1 Ich ermahne euch nun, ihr Brüder, angesichts der Barmherzigkeit Gottes, daß ihr eure Leiber darbringt als ein lebendiges, heiliges, Gott wohlgefälliges Opfer: das sei euer vernünftiger Gottesdienst!
2 Und paßt euch nicht diesem Weltlauf an, sondern laßt euch [in eurem Wesen] verwandeln durch die Erneuerung eures Sinnes, damit ihr prüfen könnt, was der gute und wohlgefällige und vollkommene Wille Gottes ist.
v2a… Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind… you say well….
I don't want to be conformed to this world…… I want to be transformed……
But how do I do it?" By the renewing of your mind…..
Our  first questions cannot be "How do I feel?" or "What do I do?" Rather, it must be "What is true here? What does God's Word say?" We just read 2 tim 3…. It will help me… it will show me what is wrong it will correct me…it will equip me….
v2b… be Transformed…. Total and complete change…. New creatures…. Sometimes after our transformation into new creatures….. We may have friends and family members say…. Who are you … What happened to you… You are different….
 That´s metamorphosis...  That  is the ancient Greek word used here…  metamorphoo -   metamorphosis…..  This is a glorious transformation! This is a sinner saved… forgiven… and transformed by the grace and mercy of God…
v2c… Prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God… As we are transformed on the inside…. the proof is evident on the outside…. We will demonstrate God´s wonderful plan….. Then as others witness the changes that the Lord makes in our lives…. They will see that we have a mighty savior…. They will realize that there is hope for forgiveness and mercy….  We will be good and Godly examples for each other and for the lost….  Godly examples… Like Paul….
There was no credibility gap between what Paul said and who he was…. and the leaders and disciples patterned their lives after him….. He said, "Be followers of me as I am of Christ.…. 1 Cor 11…v1….
 The entire Christian life boils down to example….. and Biblical leadership is leadership by example….. And the thing that made Paul what he was…. was the example of his life….. Be the right kind of person….. Put on Christ Jesus… and lead by example…. As we pick up the History of the early church in the book of Acts…… remember Paul has left Ephesus after 3 years of pouring his heart and life into them….. He is heading to the finish line in his ministry now…. Everywhere he goes the Holy Spirit testifies to Paul that suffering and bonds await him…. He is being prepared for what lies ahead by the Lord…. As we come to our text today…. Paul wants to get to Jerusalem by Pentecost…. Today is Pentecost….. It was a great celebration in Jweish histpry….. It is one of the 3 required feasts….. Jews from all over the world will be there….. Just as it was on the Day of Pentecost that sparked the birth of the church….. It is a harvest celebration…. The Holy spirit began the great Harvest of souls that BEGAN THE CHURCH! Paul is in a hurry and he aclls for the elders of Ephesus to come to him…. That was last week… Now Paul exhorts the elders….
Acts 20: 28- 35                    NKJV
28 Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. 31 Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.
32 “So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
33 I have coveted no one’s silver or gold or apparel.
34 Yes, you yourselves know that these hands have provided for my necessities, and for those who were with me.
35 I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Acts 20: 28-35                      slt 2000
28 So habt nun acht auf euch selbst und auf die ganze Herde, in welcher der Heilige Geist euch zu Aufsehern gesetzt hat1, um die Gemeinde Gottes zu hüten, die er durch sein eigenes Blut erworben hat!
29 Denn das weiß ich, daß nach meinem Abschied räuberische Wölfe zu euch hineinkommen werden, die die Herde nicht schonen;
30 und aus eurer eigenen Mitte werden Männer aufstehen, die verkehrte Dinge reden, um die Jünger abzuziehen in ihre Gefolgschaft.
31 Darum wacht und denkt daran, daß ich drei Jahre lang Tag und Nacht nicht aufgehört habe, jeden einzelnen unter Tränen zu ermahnen.
32 Und nun, Brüder, übergebe ich euch Gott und dem Wort seiner Gnade, das die Kraft hat, euch aufzuerbauen und ein Erbteil zu geben unter allen Geheiligten.
33 Silber oder Gold oder Kleidung habe ich von niemand begehrt;
34 ihr wißt ja selbst, daß diese Hände für meine Bedürfnisse und für diejenigen meiner Gefährten gesorgt haben.
35 In allem habe ich euch gezeigt, daß man so arbeiten und sich der Schwachen annehmen soll, eingedenk der Worte des Herrn Jesus, der selbst gesagt hat: Geben ist glückseliger als Nehmen!
Paul's counsel to the elders is plain and powerful…
v28a… Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock….
We see here a warning to the elders themselves…. Paul is saying to them….. Watch out…. Be careful… To be an eklder …a pastor is to be on the front lines of spiritual attack….. Pride and deception are always just a moment away from taking us out of action…. Paul is saying…. Hey you must stay alert…. First of all for yourselves….. Don´t let pride or laziness prevent you from serving and protecting God´s people…. He is saying be careful….. Remember your need to be good and Godly example….
The godly leader knows that effective leadership flows from a Godly life… not just knowledge of the Word of God….
v28b… to shepherd the church of God … therefore watch…. Taking care of God's people basically amounts to two things. First, being a shepherd to the flock; secondly, watching over them, protecting them from danger.

Also important to leaders is the principle that the church belongs to God…. It is the Lord´s flock…. Pastors are caretakers or under shepherds….   The people in the church belong to the Lord Jesus….. As long as they choose to remain under the care and leadership of that pastor…. he has a responsibility before God to feed and lead them…. He is expected to protect them as well….  but they never belong to him…..
The first idea behind being a shepherd is feeding God's people….. "They are to be shepherds of God's church….. The greek word…  poimanino means in general to tend a flock….  and in particular to lead a flock to pasture….  To feed and water it…..  
v29… savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock…..  it isn't enough to feed…. the shepherd must also protect the sheep….. Paul deeply loved these disciples…. He knew the dangers that they faced…. and because he would never see them again…. He poured out his heart to encourage and warn them…
v30,31… men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves… Therefore watch….  for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears….. Watch applies both to savage wolves that come in from the outside and to those who rise up from among yourselves…..
It is often easier for pastors to deal with the wolves that come from the outside…. For example obviously false teachings…. and crazy unbiblical doctrine…. It is more difficult to deal with those who rise up from within the church…. I think it is because you don't want to believe that some are sowing discord and division….  Even trying to draw away the disciples after themselves….. But Paul insisted that such dangers were real…. and that pastors would have to deal with them!.... He must protect the flock…
Paul knew that spiritual attack would rise up among the church itself….. we should be aware that Satan likes to attack through infiltration…. so pastors must watch…..
By the way… 2 Timothy 1:15 and Revelation 2:4 prove that Paul's concerns for the church in Ephesus were justified……
v32… I commend you to God and to the word of His grace… Paul gave his all for the Christians in Ephesus for some three years….. But the fact is he can only commend them to God and the word of His grace…..
It is God Himself who ultimately saves and transforms broken hearts and lives… He uses the Word of God to do it….
Programs can't do it…. the spirit of the age can't do it… slick marketing can't do it… Awesome worship can't do it; only God and the Word of His grace can preserve and protect the Church…
v33-35… I have coveted no one's silver or gold or apparel… Paul finishes his visit with the elders by trying to communicate his heart…. He explained his motive in ministry…. It had absolutely nothing to do with money… He wasn't in it for himself….. He did what he did for God's glory… and to encourage and strengthen God's people…..
Acts 20..v…36…
Acts 20: 36-38                           NKJV
36 And when he had said these things, he knelt down and prayed with them all. 37 Then they all wept freely, and fell on Paul’s neck and kissed him, 38 sorrowing most of all for the words which he spoke, that they would see his face no more. And they accompanied him to the ship.
Acts 20: 36-38                       slt 2000
36 Und nachdem er dies gesagt hatte, kniete er nieder und betete mit ihnen allen.
37 Da weinten alle sehr, fielen Paulus um den Hals und küßten ihn,
38 am meisten betrübt über das Wort, das er gesagt hatte, daß sie sein Angesicht nicht mehr sehen würden. Und sie geleiteten ihn zum Schiff.
v38… That they would see his face no more…. They parted with prayer…. And many tears…. Paul believed that he would not see most of these leaders again…. Time and again The Holy Spirit had told him that bonds and suffering awaited him….. He was not afraid… He was determined to follow Jesus….. no turning back…
And so finally…. They said their goodbyes  believing they would see each other again in eternity….
This scene…. reminds us that Paul was a warm hearted pastor who loved his people greatly…. and the church Loved him very much…. He had died daily for the sake of the church….. There was nothing that he was unwilling to go through for the sake of the church….
He was their living breathing example of Christ…. The Lord put these things into Paul´s heart…. He loved and taught the church….. He served them by example…. He warned them of danger….. He called sin…. Sin…. He remined them constantly of the grace of God that was at work in them transforming them into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ… The same Holy Spirit that put these things in the heart of Paul…. Moved Peter to teach the same things… In Closing…. turn with me to 1 Peter 5… v1…
1 Peter 5:1-11                               NKJV    slt 2000
1 The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: 2 Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; 3 nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; 4 and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.

5 Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.
6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, 7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. 10 But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. 11 To Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 5:1-11                                   slt 2000
1 Die Ältesten, die unter euch sind, ermahne ich als Mitältester und Zeuge der Leiden des Christus, aber auch als Teilhaber der Herrlichkeit, die geoffenbart werden soll:
2 Hütet die Herde Gottes bei euch, indem ihr nicht gezwungen, sondern freiwillig Aufsicht übt, nicht nach schändlichem Gewinn strebend, sondern mit Hingabe,
3 nicht als solche, die über das ihnen Zugewiesene herrschen, sondern indem ihr Vorbilder der Herde seid!
4 Dann werdet ihr auch, wenn der oberste Hirte offenbar wird, den unverwelklichen Ehrenkranz empfangen.
5 Ebenso ihr Jüngeren, ordnet euch den Ältesten unter; ihr alle sollt euch gegenseitig unterordnen und mit Demut bekleiden! Denn »Gott widersteht den Hochmütigen; den Demütigen aber gibt er Gnade«.
6 So demütigt euch nun unter die gewaltige Hand Gottes, damit er euch erhöhe zu seiner Zeit!
7 Alle eure Sorge werft auf ihn; denn er sorgt für euch.
8 Seid nüchtern und wacht! Denn euer Widersacher, der Teufel, geht umher wie ein brüllender Löwe und sucht, wen er verschlingen kann;
9 dem widersteht, fest im Glauben, in dem Wissen, daß sich die gleichen Leiden erfüllen an eurer Bruderschaft, die in der Welt ist.
10 Der Gott aller Gnade aber, der uns berufen hat zu seiner ewigen Herrlichkeit in Christus Jesus, er selbst möge euch, nachdem ihr eine kurze Zeit gelitten habt, völlig zubereiten, festigen, stärken, gründen!
11 Ihm sei die Herrlichkeit und die Macht von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit! Amen.
Let´s look closer at verses 5-10…. Of course the leaders of the church are called to be good examples…. But as we can clearly see…. We all have a deep responsibility to be examples to each other…
V5… submitting to the elders and each other… be clothed in humility….. There is no room for pride in the church…. We are called to love and serve each other….
V6… If and when we are ready… The Lord will ive us more responsibility…
V7… we do not worry… we cast all of our care on Him…. He cares for us!
V8…. Stay alert
V9… Watch out….. Resist the devil… Christians we have enemies…. Out in the world…. In our midst…. In our own proud and deceitful hearts….. How we need Jesus… Don´t be surprised by sufferings…. V10… Here is God´s plan for them in our lives…. Reading from the NLT…
1 Peter 5:10               NLT   Neues Leben
10 In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.
10 Gott hat euch in seiner Gnade durch Jesus Christus zu seiner ewigen Herrlichkeit berufen. Nachdem ihr eine Weile gelitten habt, wird er euch aufbauen, stärken und kräftigen; und er wird euch auf festen Grund stellen.

Lets Pray….

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