Sunday, March 1, 2015

Today´s Sermon Notes

2015.03.01                                      Acts 18: 18-28
                Apollos Shares What he knows
We are studying the early days of the church in the book of Acts... We study verse by verse so that we can see the big picture.... We want to know our great God and Savior….. he has revealed Himself in this book…. As we follow Paul missionary journeys we see wonderful adventures... We see very hard times.... As Paul finds the will of God we can learn from him and all that have gone before us.... Paul has been experiencing both open and closed doors… Everywhere he goes he is being opposed by some of the Jewish leaders who refuse to repent and believe the Gospel… We are following in Paul´s footsteps as he proclaims the Good News of the Gospel….. Some Jews believed and many Gentiles also repented and believed…. The birth of the early church is a time of transition….. Genuine believing Jews…… They are often called God fearers…. When they heard the Good News of the Gospel….. they repented of their sins and believed in Jesus…. They believed all that the Scriptures said about Him…. They rejoiced at the Advent of the Kingdom…. They rejoiced in the Lord Jesus the Messiah….
The Book of Acts gives us the history of the early years or the church….  Judaism fades away and the New Covenant comes into fullness…... The transition into a totally new way of looking at their Jewishness  was often  a slow transition….. The sincere Jewish believers received Jesus with great joy…. But it took some time for them to really understand the Grace of God at work in their hearts and minds….. They were stuck in many years of tradition and legalism…. They were making the transition from tradition and the law….. to the fullness of their new life in Christ….. Pure Salvation by grace through faith… Ephesians 2:8-10….
It is important historically for us to get a good view of the struggles of the Jewish believers in the early church…. It will also help us to better understand the conflicts with the Jewish people who refused to repent and believe the Gospel….
We will also gain insight into occasional conflicts with genuine Jewish believers struggles about the law….  In these verses The Lord gives us a healthy view of what God is doing in the hearts and minds of these Jewish believers….  And so, here in Acts 18 verses 18 through chapter 19 verse 7…. the Holy Spirit  shows us some people in transition….. Even Paul is giving some evidence of this transition as he takes a Nazarite vow…..
This vow was so important to him that he cut his work short  in Ephesus…. He wanted to go to Jerusalem to fulfill it…… This shows us something of Paul in terms of his Jewishness….. He was still in transition…. He is following this traditional ritual even though He is the great proclaimer of Salvation by grace through faith…. As we read last week Paul has set up his ministry in Ephesus, but first he leaves Aquila and Pricilla in Ephesus and goes to complete his vow to the Lord… Just to remind us turn to Acts 18….v21…
Acts 18:21                  NKJV   slt 2000
21 but took leave of them, saying, “I must by all means keep this coming feast in Jerusalem; but I will return again to you, God willing.” And he sailed from Ephesus.
21 sondern nahm Abschied von ihnen, indem er sprach: Ich muß unter allen Umständen das bevorstehende Fest in Jerusalem feiern; ich werde aber wieder zu euch zurückkehren, so Gott will! Und er segelte von Ephesus ab;
Paul was humble and full of faith….. Finally he was able to go to Ephesus…. And he was confident that the Lord would take care of the future… He firmly believed that God was in control of his service…. He said, "I'll come back to you if God wills….. Listen it is not just sovereignty in the area of salvation where God is active….. it is also in the area of service…..  God rules your life in terms of placing you in that place that He wants you to be…..  
Why did Paul believe that? Because of a simple principal expressed in two Old Testament passages…. Psalm 37:5…
Psalm 37:5                        NKJV   slt 2000
5 Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
5 Befiehl dem Herrn deinen Weg, und vertraue auf ihn, so wird er es vollbringen.
 If you commit your way to the Lord and trust in him, then what happens will be what He made happen….. And you have another text in Proverbs 3: 5,6….
Proverbs 3:5, 6                      NKJV  slt 2000
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
 5 Vertraue auf den Herrn von ganzem Herzen und verlaß dich nicht auf deinen Verstand;
6 erkenne Ihn auf allen deinen Wegen, so wird Er deine Pfade ebnen.
When you commit your ways to Him…. He will direct your path…. When a person's life is yielded to God… then  they wind up where God wants him……
You know, Christians, it wouldn't hurt us   to say like Paul…. If the Lord wills….. I'm going to do this…. Paul left Ephesus and sailed to Jerusalem and then Antioch…. Let´s pick up our text at Acts 18…verse 23…..
Acts 18: 23                      NKJV   slt 2000
23 After he had spent some time there, he departed and went over the region of Galatia and Phrygia in order, strengthening all the disciples.
23 Und nachdem er einige Zeit dort zugebracht hatte, zog er weiter und durchreiste nacheinander das Gebiet von Galatien und Phrygien und stärkte alle Jünger.
Paul wants to go back to Ephesus…. but He spends time in Jerusalem and Antioch…… Then his Pastors heart causes him to visit all of the churches…. He goes to strengthen and encourage them….. That´s the beginning of the third missionary journey….
In the meantime…. There is ministry to do in Ephesus….. Aquilla and Pricilla are there but this is a very big and very important city…..
As great as Paul was in his ministry….. He was not the only person who could minister in Ephesus….. The Lord had a plan…. This is something for all of us to remember…. No one is irreplaceable….. Not even Paul….
It´s the Lord´s church…. It´s the Lord´s plan…..
Paul was busy about the Lord´s work…. So the Lord sent Apollos to Ephesus….. And I am very glad that he did…. We are going to learn some important lessons about ministry from the events that happen next….. Let´s read a few more verses…. v24-26…
Acts 18: 24- 26                                    NKJV  
24 Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus. 25 This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things of the Lord, though he knew only the baptism of John. 26 So he began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Aquila and Priscilla heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.

Acts 18: 24- 26                                       slt 2000
24 Aber ein Jude mit Namen Apollos, aus Alexandria gebürtig, kam nach Ephesus, ein beredter Mann, der mächtig war in den Schriften.
25 Dieser war unterwiesen im Weg des Herrn und feurig im Geist; er redete und lehrte genau über das, was den Herrn betrifft, kannte aber nur die Taufe des Johannes.
26 Und er fing an, öffentlich in der Synagoge aufzutreten. Als nun Aquila und Priscilla ihn hörten, nahmen sie ihn zu sich und legten ihm den Weg Gottes noch genauer aus.
And now we meet an extraordinary man…. a certain Jew named Apollos…. born in Alexandria…. which is in Egypt…..  I would like to look at the last verses first….
v25,26…. Although he only knew the Baptism of John….. Apollos spoke boldly in the Synagogue about Jesus the Messiah…..
Apollos was thrilled to share what he knew about the Messiah….. He was excited and highly motivated… This reminds me of the time that Jesus met the woman at the well in John 4….
John 4: 29,39             NKJV  slt 2000
29 “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?”
39 And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all that I ever did.”
29 Kommt, seht einen Menschen, der mir alles gesagt hat, was ich getan habe! Ob dieser nicht der Christus ist?
39 Aus jener Stadt aber glaubten viele Samariter an ihn um des Wortes der Frau willen, die bezeugte: Er hat mir alles gesagt, was ich getan habe.
v29… What a simple testimony….. She had been transformed by her encounter with Jesus…. She simply shared what she knew about Jesus…. and
v39… God used her greatly….
Dear friends….. We need to share what we know about Jesus…. You already have the fact that Jesus has saved you and transformed your life….. That´s a great start….. That means that you already know more than many so called ministers of the Gospel here in Germany…. Sometimes we seem to think that we are not adequately prepared to share about Jesus…. We think that we need to go to Bible school or receive missionary training and then we will go out and proclaim the Good news…. It´s not really true…. Do you know a Bible verse or 2?
Then you already know more about the Lord than most of your neighbors and co-workers…. Knowing more about the Gospel is good…. But remember…. waiting until we know more is not necessary…. Look at what the Lord did through this girl’s simple testimony….
Back to our text for today…. Apollos Shared what he knew….. And the Lord used Him….. The Lord used him because he was FAT…. Faithful Available and Teachable..…. Awesome….
But he also provided Aquila and Pricilla to teach and disciple him…. By the way…. That is the reason that we are all here as a church…. We are here to be equipped and prepared to do the work of the ministry…. Ephesians 4…
So… The Lord put Apollos into a place where he could learn more about Jesus…. He did not let Apollos continue with just part of the message….
Think about this… Apollos thought that he was going to a new city the preach the Gospel…. But the Lord sent him there so that he could be taught and discipled by Pricilla and Aquilla…..
Let´s get back to Apollos….
Acts 18: 24- 26                                    NKJV  
24 Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus.
25 This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things of the Lord, though he knew only the baptism of John.
26 So he began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Aquila and Priscilla heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.

Acts 18: 24- 26                                       slt 2000
24 Aber ein Jude mit Namen Apollos, aus Alexandria gebürtig, kam nach Ephesus, ein beredter Mann, der mächtig war in den Schriften.
25 Dieser war unterwiesen im Weg des Herrn und feurig im Geist; er redete und lehrte genau über das, was den Herrn betrifft, kannte aber nur die Taufe des Johannes.
26 Und er fing an, öffentlich in der Synagoge aufzutreten. Als nun Aquila und Priscilla ihn hörten, nahmen sie ihn zu sich und legten ihm den Weg Gottes noch genauer aus.
v24…. he was an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures…… He came to Ephesus…..   Alexandria had a huge Jewish population….. At the time of Paul the Jewish population was estimated to be as many as one million…. There were at least four different areas or quarters in the city where Jewish people lived….. In Apollos we see someone that God is pleased to bless and use in ministry… This story is not really about Apollos….. He is not the hero of the story…… God is the hero of the story…… Do you know what made Apollos special?…. No… what? I´m glad you asked…. No it was not his eloquence…. It was not the fact that he was mighty in the scriptures… No… You see  Apollos was FAT…. That´s what I said…. He was fat…..
These are the marks of the person that God delights to use…. They should give us all hope that the Lord can and will use us….. If only we are FAT…. faithful and available and teachable…. The Lord will use us in our imperfections…. Just like he used Apollos even when he only knew the Baptism of John… Turn with me to 2 Corinthians 4: 7….

2 Corinthians 4: 7                         NKJV    slt 2000
7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.
7 Wir haben aber diesen Schatz in irdenen Gefäßen, damit die überragende Kraft von Gott sei und nicht von uns.
God delights to use us because we are a bunch of cracked pots…… The excellency… The power to save and transform lives does not come from our  eloquence…. But from His Saving power….….
I would like to point out 5 characteristics that we see in these verses about Apollos….. They are the same characteristics that we all should have… as we serve the Lord….
Someone God uses to Proclaim the Good News
1 Thoroughly grounded in the scriptures
2 Totally committed to proclaiming the Good News
3 Teachability…. He was easily instructed by other believers…
4 Totally available to be used in Ministry
5 Approved of God in his ministry…. He greatly helped the believers…..
6 Tenacious in Standing up for the Truth of the Gospel
Let´s look at these characteristics… starting with verse 24…  number 1…
1 Thoroughly grounded in the scriptures…
 You will need to scroll up to get back to acts 18..v.24…
v24… eloquent and mighty in the scriptures…. The Greek in this verse shows us that his verbal skills were matched by a command of the Word of God…. What a statement…… He was mighty or powerful in the scriptures…. The Greek word is  δυνατός dynatos…. from which we get the word dynamite….. This man was an exploding kind of a person when it came to the Scripture…. He was dramatic and dynamic…. The greek word translated Scripture is γραφή graphē… Writings…. The written Word of God… Apollos was an Old Testament scholar who could present it with absolute power….. He was a powerful man in terms of teaching….
Apollos was mighty in the scriptures because he was diligent to study the Word of God…. He certainly memorized scripture and hid it in his heart like the great King David did…. Paul exhorts Timothy to faithful study and application of the Word of God in his letters….. look at  2 tim 2…. V15…
2 Timothy 2:15                   NKJV     slt 2000
15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
15 Strebe eifrig danach, dich Gott als bewährt zu erweisen, als einen Arbeiter, der sich nicht zu schämen braucht, der das Wort der Wahrheit recht teilt.
Number 2 in our list of characteristics in found in… v25a…

2 Totally committed to proclaiming the Good News

Acts 18:25                 NLT  Neues Leben
25 He had been taught the way of the Lord, and he taught others about Jesus with an enthusiastic spirit and with accuracy. However, he knew only about John’s baptism.
25 Er war im christlichen Glauben unterwiesen worden und erzählte den Menschen mit großer Begeisterung von Jesus. Allerdings kannte er nur die Taufe des Johannes.
v25a… and he taught others about Jesus with an enthusiastic spirit..…. Here the Greek speaks of a pot of boiling water….. He was Totally there…. Bubbling out the Good News of the Gospel…. He also  taught with great accuracy…. But notice the second part of the verse…
25b… However, he knew only about John’s baptism.…. He knew the Word….but his knowledge was limited…. He did not know everything…… He had a lot to learn…… But what he knew he handled very accurately…. That should speak to us this morning….. Apollos with power and enthusiasm proclaimed what he knew about the Gospel… and the Lord blessed and used him….. He did not have to wait until he had perfect knowledge… let´s look at v 26…. You know we can run into genuine believers on a regular basis…. There are a lot of believers today as compared to when Apollos was in Ephesus….
But can you imagine what Aquilla and Pricilla thought when they heard this man that they did not know….. Boldly and accurately proclaiming the Gospel in the Synagogue?
I think that they were floored…. Wow… Did you here that?... We got to get to know this guy…..
Here we see the 3rd characteristic of a person that the Lord delights to use….. He was teachable…
v26b… they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.
3 Teachability…. He was teachable…. That´s Apollos…. FAT…. Faithful available and teachable….
Let´s read the last 2 verses from Acts18…. They show us the last three characteristics… 27,28…
Acts 18; 27,28                          NKJV  
27 And when he desired to cross to Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to receive him; and when he arrived, he greatly helped those who had believed through grace;
28 for he vigorously refuted the Jews publicly, showing from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ.

27 Als er aber nach Achaja hinübergehen wollte, ermunterten ihn die Brüder und schrieben an die Jünger, daß sie ihn aufnehmen sollten. Und als er dort ankam, war er eine große Hilfe für die, welche durch die Gnade gläubig geworden waren.
28 Denn er widerlegte die Juden öffentlich mit großer Kraft, indem er durch die Schriften bewies, daß Jesus der Christus ist.

v27a… And when he desired to cross to Achaia….
 The Lord was using Apollos there in Ephesus…. But The Lord put Achaia on his heart…. He wanted to go to Corinth…. It was the main City in Achaia…
4 Totally available to be used in Ministry…. He was sent out with the blessing and encouragement of the Church in Ephesus…. Apollos had it on his heart to go to Corinth….. But he did not just go…. He studied and waited until he was sent out from Ephesus….. Let´s look at the next characteristic from our list…   number 5…
5 Approved of God in his ministry…. He greatly helped the believers…..
27b… he greatly helped those who had believed through grace…. Apollos was even more powerful in the Word of God now…. He served diligently in the church at Corinth…. Paul describes Apollos tremendous contribution in Corinth as watering the believers in the church there…. Apollos used his gifts to disciple and strengthen the young believers…. Paul writes about this Gospel teamwork in 1 Cor 3… There were many issues in Corinth….. maybe we´ll talk more about that later….
As we look at the whole New Testament….What we see is that the Lord sends several pastors and teachers from church to church in these early days….. We see Paul and Timothy and Apollos all serving in Corinth from time to time…. In 1 Corinthians 16 we learn that as time went on….. The Lord used these men to train other faithful men to lead the church in Corinth…. Even then…. Paul sent Timothy again and also planned to send Apollos to minister there as well… let´s look at the last characteristic from our list today…. Number 6…
6 Tenacious in Standing up for the Truth of the Gospel
v28… for he vigorously refuted the Jews publicly, showing from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ.
The Greek word here is εὐτόνως eutonōs…. It could be translated…. Vigorously… Vehemently… It´s a word to tell us that it was with great power that Apollos proved that Jesus was indeed the Christ…. The long promised Messiah… It's translated in one Old Testament passages as  loudly….. He was not to be silenced….. He was exact in the use of the scriptures…. He took the Old Testament and just proved that Jesus was the Messiah….. He was as bold as a lion and totally fearless… He encouraged the believers…. They were made strong when they saw Apollos stop every argument against Jesus…

Paul and Apollos were fearless proclaimers of the Good News of the Gospel….  Even when Apollos knew very little about the big picture…. He boldly shared what he Knew about Jesus and the Lord blessed his ministry…. He also sent him to the A and P Bible School in Ephesus for additional training…. Aquila and Pricilla…. And how exciting it is to see what God is doing in their lives and how grateful we are that the Spirit of God is the one who use FAT people…. Even people like you and me…
As we continue to study the early church in the Book of Acts…. We will see how very important Corinth and Ephesus are to us as 21st century believers…..
Most of what we know about the reason for the church comes from The Book of Acts and the letters of Paul….
It is in fellowship and mutual encouragement and teaching that we are equipped to do the work of the ministry….
In closing I want to read from Ephesians…. Turn with me to Ephesians… ch4…v11…

Ephesians 4:11- 16                             NLT
11 Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. 13 This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.
14 Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. 15 Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. 16 He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.
Ephesians 4:11-16                          Neues Leben
11 Er hat die einen als Apostel, die anderen als Propheten, wieder andere als Prediger und schließlich einige als Hirten und Lehrer eingesetzt.
12 Ihre Aufgabe ist es, die Gläubigen für ihren Dienst vorzubereiten und die Gemeinde - den Leib Christi - zu stärken.
13 Auf diese Weise sollen wir alle im Glauben eins werden und den Sohn Gottes immer besser kennen lernen, sodass unser Glaube zur vollen Reife gelangt und wir ganz von Christus erfüllt sind.
14 Dann werden wir nicht länger wie Kinder sein und uns ständig von jeder fremden Meinung beeinflussen oder verunsichern lassen, nur weil geschickte Betrüger uns eine Lüge als Wahrheit hinstellen.
15 Stattdessen lasst uns in Liebe an der Wahrheit festhalten und in jeder Hinsicht Christus ähnlicher werden, der das Haupt seines Leibes - der Gemeinde - ist.
16 Durch ihn wird der ganze Leib zu einer Einheit. Und jeder Teil erfüllt seine besondere Aufgabe und trägt zum Wachstum der anderen bei, sodass der ganze Leib gesund ist und wächst und von Liebe erfüllt ist.
V11… says that The Lord himself gave pastor teachers to the church so that you can be equipped to do the work of the ministry…. We are also here to strengthen you for life in Him… look at verse 12…
Ephesians 4:12                   NLT  Neues Leben
12 Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.
12 Ihre Aufgabe ist es, die Gläubigen für ihren Dienst vorzubereiten und die Gemeinde - den Leib Christi - zu stärken.

Look at the list of things that will happen as we grow in Christ…
13… unity… maturity… completely like Jesus…
14… no longer immature like children…. Stability will mark our Christian walk…. We will not be tricked by every new teaching… we will not be deceived by lies that sound like the truth… instead…
15… we will speak the truth in love… growing in every way like Christ… And He will fit us together perfectly in His church…. So that…
16… The whole body is healthy and full of love…
We are blessed to be able to love and serve each other…. It is our privilege to edify and strengthen each other for the work of the ministry…. We need to be here for each other…. Ready to help each other….. whatever comes next in our lives… Let´s pray

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