Acts 15: 1- 22
Salvation is by Grace alone
Part 1
We’re continuing our study this morning in the fifteenth
chapter of Acts…… In Acts chapter fifteen, we have the account of the council
of Jerusalem….. The church faced its first crisis on a church wide basis….. and
it was the crisis of what is the doctrine of salvation? Some were trying to
teach that a man was saved by grace plus works….. Others understood that a man
is saved by grace alone….. And so the conflict ensued….. The conflict was
resolved in the council of Jerusalem….. The record of that resolution is
in Acts 15…
In this chapter, we come to the concept of grace…….
Understanding grace is essential to
genuine Christianity…… It is what sets Christianity apart from all other
religions….. Because All other religious systems in the world are based upon
the deeds and works of men……. The early church has exploded with growth….. Many
Jews have believed and through the ministry of first Peter and then later…. The
ministry of Paul and Barnabas….. Many Gentiles have also believed the Good News
of the Gospel… As we pickup our text in Acts…. Paul and Barnabas have returned
from the first missionary journey to the church in Antioch….. Let´s read the
first few verses in acts 15….v1…
15:1- 4
1 While
Paul and Barnabas were at Antioch of Syria, some men from Judea arrived and
began to teach the believers: “Unless you are circumcised as required by the
law of Moses, you cannot be saved.” 2 Paul and Barnabas disagreed with them,
arguing vehemently. Finally, the church decided to send Paul and Barnabas to
Jerusalem, accompanied by some local believers, to talk to the apostles and
elders about this question. 3 The church sent the delegates to Jerusalem, and
they stopped along the way in Phoenicia and Samaria to visit the believers.
They told them—much to everyone’s joy—that the Gentiles, too, were being
When they arrived in Jerusalem, Barnabas and Paul were welcomed by the whole
church, including the apostles and elders. They reported everything God had
done through them.
15: 1- 4 Neues Leben
1 Währenddessen kamen einige Männer aus Judäa in die
Stadt und begannen die Gläubigen zu lehren: »Wenn ihr den jüdischen Brauch der
Beschneidung nach der Lehre des Mose nicht einhaltet, könnt ihr nicht gerettet
2 Paulus und Barnabas widersprachen dieser Auffassung
nachdrücklich, und es kam zu einem heftigen Streitgespräch. Schließlich wurden
Paulus und Barnabas in Begleitung einiger Männer aus Antiochia nach Jerusalem
geschickt, wo sie mit den Aposteln und Ältesten über diese Frage sprechen
3 Unterwegs machten sie in Phönizien und Samaria Halt, um
die dort lebenden Gläubigen zu besuchen. Sie erzählten ihnen - zur großen
Freude aller -, dass sich nun auch die Nichtjuden bekehrten.
4 Als sie in Jerusalem ankamen, wurden Paulus und
Barnabas von der ganzen Gemeinde sowie von den Aposteln und den Ältesten
willkommen geheißen. Sie berichteten, was Gott in der Zwischenzeit durch sie
bewirkt hatte.
V1… These Jewish Christians are often called
"Judaizers" They taught that Gentiles may become Christians, but only
after first becoming Jews….. and submitting to all Jewish rituals, including
These Christians were from Judea….. They were not content
to keep their beliefs to themselves….. but felt compelled to persuade other
Christians to do as they did…. They taught the brethren….. coming all the way
to Antioch to preach this message….That was a long and difficult journey…..
By their teaching, these men from Judea were passing a
negative judgment on all of Paul and Barnabas' missionary endeavors…… On their
recent missionary journey….. they had founded churches among the Gentiles
without bringing them under the Law of Moses…... These men from Judea said Paul
and Barnabas were wrong! By the way…. Barnabas had been sent to Antioch by the
church in Jerusalem….. Acts 11… So many gentiles were coming to the Lord that
he went looking for Paul to help him….. These two along with Peter were the
most well known leaders to work with the Gentiles….
When Paul and Barnabas were on the first missionary
journey….. Paul preached this message:
13:39 NLT Neues Leben
39 Everyone
who believes in him is declared right with God—something the law of Moses could
never do.
39 Wer an ihn glaubt, wird von aller Schuld frei und vor
Gott gerecht gesprochen - wie es das jüdische Gesetz nie vermochte. …….
Paul proclaimed the Good News that salvation is by grace
through faith.... When he did he was quoting the OT Hab 2:4....
Paul said the same thing over and over.... I think he
said it to believers in every church everywhere he went….. It is the good
news…They needed to hear it…… We need to hear it too.... because we feel that we need to do something
to earn God´s love and blessing in our lives…… It is very hard for us to accept
God´s unconditional love from anyone…. I often talk about God´s Chesed…..
Unfailing unconditional love…..
These certain men … down from Judea objected, saying
"Jesus saves us, but only after we
have done all we can do to keep the Law of Moses."
1b….. You cannot
be saved… This was not a side issue; it had to do with salvation itself…..
This was not a matter where there could be disagreement among believers, with
some believing you must be under the law, and some believing it wasn't
important…… This was an issue that went to the core of Christianity….. and it
had to be resolved….. Paul taught a man could only be right with God on the
basis of what Jesus had done!
This was very likely the greatest threat to the work of
the gospel seen in the Book of Acts! It was far worse than the persecutions
that they were experiencing….
V2-4….. Paul and Barnabas disagreed and strongly
disputed these false teachings…..Their first response was to attempt to persuade
the legalists that they were wrong…. These two had seen God work so powerfully in
the Gentiles lives…. They fought for the
truth of God´s word against the traditions of the leaders of Israel….
Paul and Barnabas show the hearts of true shepherds here…
They defended and protected the flock from these wolves who were bringing in
false teaching….
When persuasion did not end the issue…. the elders in Antioch decided that Paul and
Barnabas and certain others of them should go up to Jerusalem….. Paul and
Barnabas were sent to Jerusalem to talk to Peter and the other Apostles…...
They couldn't just agree to disagree on this issue…. because it was at the core
of what meant to be a follower of Jesus…..
V3…. The church sent the delegates to Jerusalem…..
They stopped along the way to fellowship and encourage
the believers….. And were thrilled to hear
the Good News that many Gentiles were becoming believers….
they found plenty of other Christians who rejoiced at
what God had done among the Gentiles….. This is in contrast to the legalistic
Jews from Judea…… v5…
15: 5 NLT
Neues Leben
But then some of the believers who belonged to the sect of the Pharisees stood
up and insisted, “The Gentile converts must be circumcised and required to
follow the law of Moses.”
5 Doch dann erhoben sich einige der Männer, die vor ihrer
Bekehrung Pharisäer gewesen waren, und erklärten, die Nichtjuden müssten
beschnitten werden und sich an das mosaische Gesetz halten.
v5….. these Judaizers were Pharisees….. They were the
most legalistic of all Jews….. They had managed to get saved…. But they still
hung on to their traditions and legalism…. They really did not understand God´s
grace…..The Pharisees were famous for their high regard for the
law….. They worked very hard to obey every jot and tittle…. They were very
proud of all that they did for the Lord….. Of course God was very proud of them
too….. crazy…
You see they believed one could be justified before God
by keeping the law….. For Pharisees to really be Christians…. it would take more than an agreement that Jesus was Messiah…. he would have to
forsake his attempts to justify himself by the keeping of the law….. and accept
the work of Jesus…. as the only basis of his righteousness and justification…..
They had to turn from their efforts to earn their salvation
by keeping the law….. and look to Jesus…... You can't just "add"
Jesus to your plan of works….
himself was a former Pharisee
(Philippians 3:5) who became a Christian….. But he understood grace… He knew
that Jesus didn't help him become a super Pharisee….. You know…. do what a
Pharisee did, only better….. Paul knew that Jesus was his salvation….. not the
way to his salvation….. Paul clearly taught salvation by grace through faith in
the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross…. Look at what Paul
wrote to the Galatians…ch….2…..v.16…
2: 16
NLT Neues Leben
Yet we know that a person is made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ, not
by obeying the law. And we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we might be
made right with God because of our faith in Christ, not because we have obeyed
the law. For no one will ever be made right with God by obeying the law.”
16 Und doch wissen wir, dass der Mensch vor Gott nicht
durch das Halten des Gesetzes gerecht gesprochen wird, sondern durch den
Glauben an Jesus Christus. Wir sind zum Glauben an ihn gekommen, damit wir
durch diesen Glauben von Gott angenommen werden, und nicht etwa, weil wir dem
Gesetz gehorcht haben. Denn durch das Befolgen des Gesetzes wird niemand vor
Gott gerecht.«
However these former Pharisees were teaching that all
believers are bound to do two things….. First, Gentile converts must be
initiated into Judaism through circumcision…... Second, Gentile
converts must live under the law of Moses…. if they are to be saved and accepted
in the Christian community……
Basically, their teaching was: "Gentiles are free to
come to Jesus….. We welcome them and want them to come to Jesus…… But they have
to come through the Law of Moses in order to come to Jesus….. They were not
happy that Paul and Barnabas, among others, have been allowing Gentiles to come
to Jesus without first coming through the Law of Moses….. In other without
first becoming a Jew…. Let´s look at v 6-11….
15: 6-11
6 So
the apostles and elders met together to resolve this issue. 7 At the meeting,
after a long discussion, Peter stood and addressed them as follows: “Brothers,
you all know that God chose me from among you some time ago to preach to the
Gentiles so that they could hear the Good News and believe. 8 God knows
people’s hearts, and he confirmed that he accepts Gentiles by giving them the
Holy Spirit, just as he did to us. 9 He made no distinction between us and
them, for he cleansed their hearts through faith. 10 So why are you now
challenging God by burdening the Gentile believers with a yoke that neither we
nor our ancestors were able to bear? 11 We believe that we are all saved the
same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.”
Acts 15: 6-11
6 Daraufhin setzten sich die Apostel und Gemeindeältesten
zusammen, um über diese Frage zu entscheiden.
7 Nach langen Beratungen erhob sich schließlich Petrus
und wandte sich an die Versammlung: »Brüder, ihr alle wisst, dass Gott mich vor
einiger Zeit erwählt hat, auch den anderen Völkern die gute Botschaft zu
verkünden, damit sie gläubig werden.
8 Gott, der die Herzen der Menschen kennt, hat bewiesen,
dass er auch sie annimmt, indem er ihnen genauso wie uns den Heiligen Geist
9 Er machte keinen Unterschied zwischen uns und ihnen,
denn er reinigte auch ihre Herzen durch den Glauben.
10 Warum zweifelt ihr nun an Gottes Weg, indem ihr ihnen
eine Last aufbürdet, die weder wir noch unsere Vorfahren tragen konnten?
11 Wir glauben, dass wir alle auf demselben Weg wie jene
gerettet werden, nämlich durch die Gnade des Herrn Jesus.«
V6… Here, we see the church coming together to decide the
issue….. They didn't just let the issue sit…… nor did they leave it up to the conscience of each believer….
They were sincere and committed to obeying the Good News of the Gospel….. They
wanted to understand and follow God´s plan….
The question raised by the Jerusalem council was huge… Are
Christians saved by faith alone…. or by some combination of faith and obedience
of the Law of Moses? Is the work of Jesus by itself enough to save the one who
trusts in Jesus…… or must we add our work to Jesus' work in order to be saved?
With so many important doctrinal issues today….. perhaps
this sort of examination of doctrine would be helpful….
And when there had been much discussion… This would have been
amazing to see! Christians serious enough about the truth to dispute for it!
In the midst of this great dispute….. The apostle Peter
speaks…. Peter…. as one of the leading apostles…. rose up to make his opinion
known on the matter…..
….some time ago… This was perhaps 10 years after Peter
first began to Proclaim the Good News to Gentiles….. Peter begins with a
history lesson….. He reminds them of the
work God had already done….. He then makes the point that God had fully
received the Gentiles….. Without their being circumcised (God, who knows the
heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us)…..
argument is clear…..
God had accepted these Gentiles….. He gave them the Holy
Spirit…. Just like us…. V8
He cleansed their hearts by faith…. Just like us…. V9…
Then why shouldn't the church? Since God has received
them, so should the church!
Peter shows how the heart is purified…. by faith, not by
keeping of the law…... Since they were purified by faith….. then there was no
need to be purified by submitted to ceremonies found in the Law of Moses……
Notice here that Christians are not only saved by faith…..
they are purified by faith also!.....
V10…. Peter wisely answers another objection….. One
might ask, "What is the harm in bringing Gentiles under the Law of
Moses?" Peter reminded them that the law was a yoke which neither our
fathers nor we were able to bear…….This is demonstrated by a brief look at
Israel's history…… At the birth of the nation at Mount Sinai….. they broke the
law by worshipping the golden calf……
Those of the sect of the Pharisees who believed were
making a critical mistake….. If they would have carefully and truthfully
considered Israel's failure under the law…… they would not have been so quick
to try to put Gentiles under the impossible burden of the law…. Paul makes the
same argument in the book of Galatians
Remember…. The law does not save us…… It shows us our
sin… The law was given by God to show us our desperate need for a substitute….
A redeemer…. Paul´s letter to the Romans is a very thorough explanation of
God´s grace at work in our lives…. These Judiazers wanted to force all
believers to be circumcised….
The law and Circumcision cannot not save us….. Because It
cannot change our hearts…… Why in the world would we return to it?
Joshi preached about this when he taught on Galatians
5….. 2 weeks ago…. If you missed it you
can listen to it on line ….
In light of the finished work of Jesus, it is offensive
to God to go back to the law…... This is why Peter asked, "why do you test God?"
Peter concludes with the observation that it is through grace
that all are saved - both Jew and Gentile….. and not by obedience to the law…… If we are saved by grace…… then we are not
saved by grace plus works(law-keeping)……
Peter also insists there is only one way of salvation….. We [Jews] shall be
saved in the same manner as they [Gentiles]…… By the way Paul says the same
thing in Romans 1: 16,17….
Jewish Christians were not saved, even in part, by their
law-keeping….. they were saved the same way Gentiles were….. Through the grace
of the Lord Jesus Christ…..
This is a very important point for us to consider…. Even
today…. We as believers have a tendency to believe that God is especially
pleased with us when we do our own list of Godly Things…. Prayer times …. Quiet
times…. Reading our bibles….. helping the poor…..
We have a long list of things that we should do…. We also
have a long list of things that we should not do….
The problem is not the list…… The problem is in our
hearts….. We tend to think that the things we do or don´t do make us
righteous…. The think that when we have had a very good day or week… That the
Lord is especially pleased with us….. We are in danger when we do that….. 1…
Jesus is 100% of our righteousness….. We will never be more righteous…. Jesus
paid it all…
2…. Just like the Pharisees of Jesus day…. We can become
proud of our Godliness and judge others in our hearts… Pride is the great enemy
of everyone of us… The
things that we do need to flow out of a grateful and humble heart…. A heart that has already been transformed by the Lord
Jesus….. We cannot add to that miraculous work…
We are out of time for today so I will pickup from here
next week…… Let´s pray….
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