2014.10.12 Acts
14: 23-end
Paul and Barnabas Strengthen the Saints
Part 2
Good Morning everyone it's great to see you here this
morning…. As most of you know.... We go through the Bible verse by verse.... At
the moment we are studying the birth of the church in the book of
Acts..... Paul and Barnabas are on their
first missionary journey….. They have mostly had great success…… They left
Lystra and travelled to Derbe…. That´s where I want to pick up the story this
morning…. Turn with me to Acts 14…v..21…
14: 21-23
And when they had preached the gospel to that city and made many disciples,
they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, 22 strengthening the souls of
the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, “We must
through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.” 23 So when they had appointed elders in
every church, and prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom
they had believed.
Acts 14: 21-23 sch 2000
21 Und nachdem sie in dieser Stadt das Evangelium
verkündigt und eine schöne Zahl Jünger gewonnen hatten, kehrten sie wieder nach
Lystra und Ikonium und Antiochia zurück; 22 dabei stärkten sie die Seelen der
Jünger und ermahnten sie, unbeirrt im Glauben zu bleiben, und [sagten ihnen,]
daß wir durch viele Bedrängnisse in das Reich Gottes eingehen müssen. 23 Nachdem sie
ihnen aber in jeder Gemeinde Älteste bestimmt hatten, befahlen sie sie unter
Gebet und Fasten dem Herrn an, an den sie gläubig geworden waren.
These few verses tell us a lot about making disciples and
strengthening the new believers…. Last week we saw that Paul and Barnabas were
very persistent…. They would not let anything stop them…. When they stoned Paul
in Lystra…. He got up the next day and went to Derbe….. He continued to
proclaim the Good News of the Gospel…. Even though it was dangerous…. Then
after making many disciples…… Paul went back to Lystra…. Why did he go?
the Great Commission is not only to make people Christians…..it's to make them
genuine Disciples…..
and Barnabas were willing to do anything to strengthen and feed these baby
Christians… Remember….. it was dangerous
to return…… They had been kicked out of every town they've been in….. They were
taking their lives in their hands…. They
went back fearlessly because they were serving the LORD Jesus… Yes it was dangerous….. It was dangerous to
go back…. but it was more dangerous for those new babes not to have milk….. so
that they could grow in grace and in the
knowledge of the LORD JESUS…. We see that in verses 22 and 23…. Do you
remember the outline we made last week… let´s go back to it because we only
looked at the first 1 point before we ran out of time….
Here´s the outline from last week…
strengthening the souls of the disciples…
exhorting them to continue in the faith…
They appointed elders to pastor and shepherd the people after they had gone….
commended them to the Lord….
As a quick review of point 1.…
Verse 22…. They Strengthened the souls of the
The word strengthen comes from Greek (epistērizō)
It is made up of two parts…. "epi" which means upon…. and "steritzo… which means a prop or a support….. You could say… they
went back to prop up the disciples…..
Just like new born babies…. New believers need help and
support….. They are wobbly in their Christian walk….. The Lord Jesus put us
into the church so that the older stronger believers could prop up and support
the new weaker believers….. This morning we are going to look at the last 3
points in our outline…. As we study the early church in the book of Acts….we
are seeing God´s sovereign plan and grace at work…
Turn with me to Eph…ch4…v.11,12…
4:11,12 NKJV
And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and
some pastors and teachers,
for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of
the body of Christ,
11 Und Er hat etliche als Apostel gegeben, etliche als
Propheten, etliche als Evangelisten, etliche als Hirten und Lehrer,12 zur
Zurüstung der Heiligen, für das Werk des Dienstes, für die Erbauung des Leibes
des Christus,
v11…. He himself
gave…. God has put this thing together…. As I said last week…… He has put
pastors and teachers in the church…… Not to ruin your fun….. Not to shake a
stick at you…… No…. He put us here to take care of you…. The shepherd and
strengthen you….. As we read further in this text….
v12…. we are
reminded that the teachers…. and the
pastors and elders are here to equip you
to do the work of the ministry….
Our job is to strengthen you and support you….. just like
a father helps his newborn baby learn to walk….. We are here to love and help
and protect you…. And as we grow…. We
learn to love and help and protect each other….That's what we're supposed
to be doing…..
When Paul and
Barnabas went back…. They went back and
strengthened the disciples….. That
means they taught the Word…..
Paul and Barnabas were Teaching them sound doctrine……
They were feeding them the Word of God to help them….. and to hold them up in
the hard times….
Back to our outline…. The second point….. exhort…. Acts
NKJV sch 2000
strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the
faith, and saying, “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of
22 dabei stärkten sie die Seelen der Jünger und ermahnten
sie, unbeirrt im Glauben zu bleiben, und [sagten ihnen,] daß wir durch viele
Bedrängnisse in das Reich Gottes eingehen müssen.
The second aspect
of follow-up that every Christian servant needs to remember is exhortation…..
We need to learn sound doctrine but you don't stop there, right?
verse 22….. strengthening the souls of the disciples
and exhorting them….
You know what exhorting
means? It means to push a person toward a certain kind of conduct…... It means
to say….. Here are the facts…… Now you
go and obey! We need to be firm and Biblical…. But we also need to be gentile….
You don't want to be like a bull in a china closet…… Paul
was persistent…. and yet he was also patient and gentile…. Listen to what Paul
says…. 1 Thessalonians 2…….
Thess 2: 7,8 NLT
7 As
apostles of Christ we certainly had a right to make some demands of you, but
instead we were gentile among you. Or we were like a mother feeding and caring
for her own children. 8 We loved you so much that we shared with you not only
God’s Good News but our own lives, too.
1 Thess 2: 7,8 Neues Leben
7 Als Apostel des Christus hätten wir durchaus das Recht
gehabt, etwas von euch zu verlangen, aber wir waren bei euch so sanft wie eine
Mutter, die ihre Kinder nährt und umsorgt.
8 Wir haben euch so sehr geliebt, dass wir euch nicht nur
Gottes gute Botschaft brachten, sondern auch unser eigenes Leben mit euch
geteilt haben.
V7…. We were gentle among you…. Like a nursing
mother…. Gentleness…. That's a good thing to remember when we our exhorting
others to respond to the Word of God……
v8…. We gave of ourselves to you…… That's part of it,
isn't it? Making disciples includes…. giving of yourself…..
We need to teach
and exhort each other… but we also need to live Godly lives before each other…
It´s hard work…. Blood sweat and tears….
Let´s read further in 1 Thess 2…. v9….
Thess 2: 9-12
Don’t you remember, dear brothers and sisters, how hard we worked among you?
Night and day we toiled to earn a living so that we would not be a burden to
any of you as we preached God’s Good News to you. 10 You yourselves are our
witnesses—and so is God—that we were devout and honest and faultless toward all
of you believers. 11 And you know that we treated each of you as a father treats
his own children. 12 We pleaded with you, encouraged you, and urged you to live
your lives in a way that God would consider worthy. For he called you to share
in his Kingdom and glory.
1 Thess 2: 9-12 Neues Leben
9 Ihr erinnert euch doch, liebe Brüder, wie hart wir bei
euch gearbeitet haben. Tag und Nacht mühten wir uns ab, um unseren
Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen und niemandem zur Last zu fallen, während wir bei
euch Gottes Wort predigten.
10 Ihr selbst und Gott seid unsere Zeugen, dass wir uns
euch allen gegenüber aufrichtig und anständig und tadellos verhalten haben.
11 Ihr wisst, dass wir zu euch waren wie ein Vater zu
seinen Kindern.
12 Wir haben euch Mut gemacht und getröstet und euch
ermahnt, so zu leben, dass Gott mit euch zufrieden sein kann. Denn er hat euch
in sein Reich berufen und dazu, seine Herrlichkeit mit ihm zu teilen.
Verse 9……"We worked hard…. laboring night and day….. The idea here
is difficult painful work……
verse 11,12…. As you know how we exhorted and
encouraged and charged every one of you as a father does his children that you
should walk worthy."
That's not just teaching….. that's exhortation…... We teach you the Word of God….. Here's the
we exhort you to obey and apply it to your lives…. now go and live it! Walk
worthy! That's exhortation….. Exhortation is important…..
and Barnabas exhorted them to continue in the faith…. Hang on…. Don´t give up……
let hard times or persecution discourage you…. let´s
read what John wrote in 1 john 2….v24…
John 2: 24-26
So you must remain faithful to what you have been taught from the beginning. If
you do, you will remain in fellowship with the Son and with the Father. 25 And
in this fellowship we enjoy the eternal life he promised us.
26 I
am writing these things to warn you about those who want to lead you astray.
1 John 2: 24-26 Neues Leben
24 Doch haltet an dem fest, was ihr von Anfang an gehört
habt! Wenn ihr das tut, werdet ihr mit dem Sohn und mit dem Vater verbunden
25 Und durch diese Gemeinschaft bekommen wir das ewige
Leben, das er uns versprochen hat.
26 Ich habe euch dies geschrieben, weil ihr euch vor
denen schützen müsst, die euch in die Irre führen wollen.
V24….. hang on…. Remain faithful….don´t quit…. V25…. He
has promised us eternal life…..
V26….. Watch out for those who are trying to lead you
astray…. hold on to the Word….. and
don't let Satan snatch it away….. Back
to our outline…. We are still in Acts 14…v22…
14: 22
NKJV sch 2000
strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the
faith, and saying, “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of
22 dabei stärkten sie die Seelen der Jünger und ermahnten
sie, unbeirrt im Glauben zu bleiben, und [sagten ihnen,] daß wir durch viele
Bedrängnisse in das Reich Gottes eingehen müssen.
22b…. Look at the next
thing he says…… He is not only
exhorting them to continue in the faith…. this is important…. He is warning
them that hard times…. Even tribulations are coming…. "We
must through much tribulation enter the Kingdom of God." The greek
word (thlipsis) it is translated as….. tribulation (21x), affliction (17x),
trouble (3x), anguish (1x), persecution (1x), burdened (1x), to be afflicted
(with G1519) (1x)……. This is a strong word…it is used of war…. Famine…..
Unbelievers walk along in life…. just taking it one day
at a time…. Then they get saved…… and
they realize that they are in the middle of a spiritual war….. Satan attacks him from every angle….. and
problems that he can't even believe….. begin to hit him…. When dealing with a
new Christian you must warn him to anticipate hard times…. (thlipsis)…. which
means tribulation…. trouble…… hard times…
New believers….. disciples…. need to be exhorted about the fact that affliction
and trouble… yes even tribulation are all part of the Christian walk…. It is
part of the maturing process…… do you remember what Paul wrote to Timothy about
suffering and persecution?.... We read it last week…. It is 2 Timothy 3: 12….
Tim 3:12 NKJV sch 2000
Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer
12 Und alle, die gottesfürchtig leben wollen in Christus
Jesus, werden Verfolgung erleiden.
Let´s look at the third point in our outline… Acts 14…v23….
14: 23 NKJV sch 2000
So when they had appointed elders in every church, and prayed with fasting,
they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed.
23 Nachdem sie ihnen aber in jeder Gemeinde Älteste
bestimmt hatten, befahlen sie sie unter Gebet und Fasten dem Herrn an, an den
sie gläubig geworden waren.
After a long time of strengthening and exhorting the
Disciples….. After pouring the Word of God into their hearts and minds…. and as
we read….. pouring out their very lives into these baby Christians…..
They appointed Elders to pastor and teach and protect the
disciples in their absence….
Here at CC Wiesbaden we are preparing to appoint
Elders….. Lately several people have asked me about “eldership”
we find it in the text….. is a perfect
time to talk about Biblical Eldership…..
here are 2 points for this morning…..
Biblical Eldership….. is church Leadership that follows the scriptures
Pastoral Eldership….. shepherding and protecting the flock
Let's look at the first one…. 1.... biblical eldership… church Leadership that obeys and follows
the scriptures……. Men of God…. men with
servants hearts….. lead and serve and
protect the church…..
The Lord has appointed elders and deacons to lead and
serve and care for his people…. They follow the Word of God…. They are servant
leaders…… Not lords over anyone…. They lay down their lives for the church….
Just like Jesus….
Biblical Eldership is Pastoral….. Elders are shepherds and pastors and
leaders….. Paul and Peter both use the well understood
idea of shepherd to speak of the role of Elders in the early church…. They take
care of the brothers and sisters in the body…. The role of the elders is to Pastor…. To shepherd the flock is an
excellent way of looking at what the Lord expects His
“servant leaders” to do…. They protect and feed the sheep…..They are sensitive
to the needs of the people…. and answerable to the chief Shepherd…. The Lord
Jesus….. Now I want you to notice something that's interesting here…. It says
they ordained elders….. Paul and Barnabas chose the elders…. They
chose men that they believed that the Lord had chosen…. Men to lead and teach
and love the church… Elders have a tremendous responsibility… they are
responsible before the Lord for the wellbeing of His people… They are to be
good shepherds….
Turn with me to 1
Peter 5… v1…
elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the
sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: 2
Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by
compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; 3 nor as being
lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; 4 and when
the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not
fade away.
1Peter 5:1-4 sch 2000
1 Die Ältesten, die unter euch sind, ermahne ich als
Mitältester und Zeuge der Leiden des Christus, aber auch als Teilhaber der
Herrlichkeit, die geoffenbart werden soll:
2 Hütet die Herde Gottes bei euch, indem ihr nicht
gezwungen, sondern freiwillig Aufsicht übt, nicht nach schändlichem Gewinn
strebend, sondern mit Hingabe,
3 nicht als solche, die über das ihnen Zugewiesene
herrschen, sondern indem ihr Vorbilder der Herde seid!
4 Dann werdet ihr auch, wenn der oberste Hirte offenbar
wird, den unverwelklichen Ehrenkranz empfangen.
They are to be firm but gentle….. They are to lead as
good and Godly examples.... They are to teach the Word and feed the flock……
They are to admonish the unruly…. encourage the fainthearted and help the weak……
and on top of that….. Elders are to be patient with everybody….. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18….
That´s not easy….. Without
the Lords help…. It is impossible…. Next week we will take a closer look at
some of the text´s about Elders…. The subject will come up over and over again
as we look at the early church in Acts… It is impossible to cover this very
important subject this morning…. I would like to continue in Acts 14 for now….
and Barnabas were sent out to plant churches and to make disciples… Making
disciples….. demanded strengthening…. Exhortation…. and organization( they
ordained Elders)…… Now here comes the last point…. They commended them to the
Lord on whom they believed….. we are in the second part
of verse 23….
14:23 NKJV sch 2000
23 So
when they had appointed elders in every church, and prayed with fasting, they
commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed.
23 Nachdem sie ihnen aber in jeder Gemeinde Älteste
bestimmt hatten, befahlen sie sie unter Gebet und Fasten dem Herrn an, an den
sie gläubig geworden waren.
And then they commended the young disciples to the Lord Himself….
They knew that the Lord Jesus Himself would continue the
Work that he had begun in them…. So they said Lord we have given them
everything we have…. We know it is not enough….. Lord they are your sheep…..
help them … protect them…. hold them up in the hard times and persecution that
they will face…. We place them into your care…. When you've done everything you
can do to disciple and exhort someone…. You
know what it all boils down to….
You say…. "Lord, I have done my best….. They are
yours….. I commend them into your hands….
This is what Paul did….. After he had taught and exhorted
and discipled the new believers….. After He had appointed Elders in every
church…. He commended these new believers into the Lord´s hands…..
After Paul had done his best to disciple and teach them
the Word of God…. He commended them into the Lord´s hands…
Let´s turn the last section of Acts 14… v24-28…
14: 24-28 NKJV sch 2000
And after they had passed through Pisidia, they came to Pamphylia. 25 Now when
they had preached the word in Perga, they went down to Attalia. 26 From there
they sailed to Antioch, where they had been commended to the grace of God for
the work which they had completed.
Now when they had come and gathered the church together, they reported all that
God had done with them, and that He had opened the door of faith to the
Gentiles. 28 So they stayed there a long time with the disciples.
Acts 14: 24-28 NKJV
sch 2000
24 Und sie durchzogen Pisidien und kamen nach Pamphylien.
25 Und nachdem sie in Perge das Wort verkündigt hatten,
zogen sie hinab nach Attalia.
26 Und von dort segelten sie nach Antiochia, von wo aus
sie der Gnade Gottes übergeben worden waren zu dem Werk, das sie [nun]
vollbracht hatten.
27 Als sie aber angekommen waren und die Gemeinde
versammelt hatten, erzählten sie, wie viel Gott mit ihnen getan hatte, und daß
er den Heiden die Tür des Glaubens geöffnet hatte.
28 Sie verbrachten aber dort eine nicht geringe Zeit mit
den Jüngern.
V24… They are on their way back to Antioch…. They are
ready to go back to the church that sent them out….. A boat is waiting to take
them home… But before they went the last 18 miles to the little port of Attalia…..
what did they do? They
preached the Word…… That´s Commitment…... Paul often said that he had no choice but to
preach the Good News….….. He was totally committed to following His Lord and
26…..They sailed to Antioch of Syria…. Where
they had been commended to the grace of God for which the work they had
Fulfilled…. You know what it means? They did it….. God
said, "Go do it" and they did it…… They fulfilled their mission….. I
like that…..
Reported all that God had done….
These are the two
most beloved people in the church….. they probably looked a little different after
all that they had been through….. All
scarred all up from beatings with rods and whips and stone….. The church was
thrilled to have their beloved missionaries back home…. Can you imagine what a
joyous time they had?
They just said, "Hey, you know what God did? God
opened the door…… The Lord did all of this and we were blessed to be there….. That's all
God wants anybody to do is be there….. Availability is the number one ability….
When we make ourselves available….. when we say like Isaiah….. Here am I send
me….. He'll do all the hard stuff…. He will do the work…
They stayed a long time….They stayed and picked up their work of
pastoring the church at Antioch…. and it was during that time that Paul wrote
back to the Galatians the letter of Galatians…... Paul and Barnabas gave all
the glory to God…..
When Paul came to the end of his life he wrote to Timothy
again…. He warned and exhorted him to be a faithful elder…. 2 Tim 4…v1…….
Timothy 4: 1 -5 NLT
1 I
solemnly urge you in the presence of God and Christ Jesus, who will someday
judge the living and the dead when he comes to set up his Kingdom: 2 Preach the
word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently
correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching.
For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome
teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who
will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will reject the
truth and chase after myths.
But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of
suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry
out the ministry God has given you.
Timothy 4:1-5 Neues Leben
1 Ich bitte dich vor Gott und vor Christus Jesus, der
eines Tages die Lebenden und die Toten richten wird, wenn er erscheinen wird,
um sein Reich aufzurichten:
2 Verkünde das Wort Gottes. Halte durch, ob die Zeit
günstig ist oder nicht. In aller Geduld und mit guter Lehre sollst du die
Menschen zurechtweisen, tadeln und ermutigen!
3 Denn es kommt eine Zeit, in der die Menschen nicht mehr
auf die gesunde Lehre hören werden. Sie werden sich von ihren eigenen Wünschen
leiten lassen und immer wieder nach Lehrern Ausschau halten, die ihnen sagen,
was sie gern hören wollen.
4 Die Wahrheit werden sie ablehnen und stattdessen
seltsamen Fabeln folgen.
5 Du aber sollst dir in jeder Situation ein nüchternes
Urteil bewahren. Scheue dich nicht, für den Herrn zu leiden. Setze dir zum
Ziel, andere zu Christus zu führen. Erfülle die Aufgabe, die Gott dir
anvertraut hat!
Verse 2… is full of fantastic exhortation from one elder
to another….. look at it… first the exhortation….. Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or
not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching…… then
comes the warning….
warns us that people will reject the
truth of the Word of God….
It will be hard…. Hang on….
Let's pray.
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