Sunday, February 21, 2010

Welcome to Calvary Chapel Wiesbaden

Hi, We want to welcome you to our blogspot. We are a relatively young Church. We have been meeting for about 3 Years. Recently we leased an existing Church building in Wiesbaden for Sunday afternoons. We are looking forward to what the Lord will do. You are welcome to come and visit us. We want to get to know and serve the believers here in Germany.
There are now several Calvary Chapels in Germany and all over Europe.
We will post the work that the Lord has been doing in Wiesbaden, Germany as often as possible through this blog.
Thanks for checking us out
God Bless you and yours
Pastor Ron

1 comment:

  1. Hello again Pastor Ron,

    I just found this blog. I will keep checking this blog to keep up with the latest news and happenings at Calvary Chapel of Wiesbaden.

    If I ever do get a chance to visit Germany and Wiesbaden again, I plan to visit Calvary Chapel in Wiesbaden! It has been 47 years since I had been in Wiesbaden!

    The Lord bless you all!

    Bill Wolverton
    Denver, COlorado
