Sunday, August 3, 2014

Today´s Sermon Notes

2014.08.03                                   Acts 12:11- 25
                               A man is a fool to fight God  

A man is a fool to fight God….. because His power can't be defeated….. His purpose can't be frustrated….. and His punishment can't be avoided…… This is what we will see this morning….. Here at CCWiesbaden we teach through the Bible verse by verse….. Because we want to see the big picture….. We want to know and understand our great God and Savoir…. the Lord Jesus Christ….. He is our hope and our salvation…. Let´s pick up where we left off in Acts…. We are witnessing the birth of the church…. These are very exciting times….. People are repenting of their sins and crying out to God for mercy…. Even the hated Heathen are coming to the LORD Jesus… But times of persecution have also come to the church again as we studied the first part of Chapter 12 last week….
Let´s continue in Chapter 12… v…11….
Acts 12: 11- 17                                   NKJV  
11 And when Peter had come to himself, he said, “Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent His angel, and has delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the Jewish people.”

12 So, when he had considered this, he came to the house of Mary, the mother of John whose surname was Mark, where many were gathered together praying. 13 And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a girl named Rhoda came to answer. 14 When she recognized Peter’s voice, because of her gladness she did not open the gate, but ran in and announced that Peter stood before the gate. 15 But they said to her, “You are beside yourself!” Yet she kept insisting that it was so. So they said, “It is his angel.”

16 Now Peter continued knocking; and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished. 17 But motioning to them with his hand to keep silent, he declared to them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And he said, “Go, tell these things to James and to the brethren.” And he departed and went to another place.
Acts 12: 11- 17                        NeÜ
11 Jetzt kam Petrus zu sich. "Nun weiß ich wirklich, dass der Herr seinen Engel geschickt hat", sagte er. "Er hat mich vor Herodes gerettet und vor dem, was die Juden sich erhofften."
12 Als ihm das klar geworden war, ging er zum Haus der Maria, der Mutter von Johannes Markus3. Dort waren viele zum Gebet versammelt.
13 Petrus klopfte ans Tor, und eine Dienerin namens Rhode kam und wollte nachsehen, wer da wäre.
14 Als sie die Stimme des Petrus erkannte, lief sie gleich ins Haus und rief: "Es ist Petrus! Petrus steht vor dem Tor!" Vor lauter Freude hatte sie vergessen, das Tor zu öffnen.
15 "Du bist wohl nicht ganz bei Verstand", sagten sie zu ihr. Doch sie behauptete steif und fest, dass es Petrus sei. Da meinten sie: "Dann ist es sein Engel."
16 Aber Petrus klopfte unaufhörlich weiter, bis sie schließlich aufmachten. Als sie ihn sahen, gerieten sie vor Staunen außer sich.
17 Doch er brachte sie mit einer Handbewegung zum Schweigen und erzählte ihnen dann, wie der Herr ihn aus dem Gefängnis herausgeführt hatte. "Berichtet das auch Jakobus und den Brüdern!", bat er sie. Dann ging er hinaus und verließ die Stadt.
verse 11, "And when Peter was come to himself," in other words he stood out there in the middle of the street and he started to think and he says…. this is not dream…. I´m free….
 He knew the Jews wanted him dead and he knew about Herod's plot….. He says……The Lord has delivered me….   He is standing in the middle of the street…… He knows he is in danger…   He knows if the soldiers wake up  and look for him……  They're going to come running after him…. He doesn't have much time……
verse 12….. And when he had considered….. This word in the Greek means…..  to see together…... It means to take all the parts of something and see it together in perspective…... So Peter thought the whole thing through, all of the spiritual ramifications, physical ramifications…... What should he do? The first reaction would be get out of town, right?..... Go and let God worry about confirming something to the believers…… Just bail out…… But he began to look at it….. He said… I've got to go to the believers  tell them…… Why? Those Christians were into persecution….. It was dangerous in Jerusalem….. The church needed to know that their prayers were answered…. God had delivered Peter from the hands of Herod….. God miraculously set Peter free again! They needed to know….

You know what they needed more than anything? They needed two things……. First they needed to know that God was in control…….     Herod was not…. Secondly they needed to know that God answered prayer…… They had been praying for Peter for a few days now….. As we saw last week… They had been praying fervently…. With Maximum effort…. When  the church is under persecution….  They must  have total  confidence that God is in  control…… They need to be certain that  prayer was still being answered…..  Peter knew this and was determined to encourage and comfort the church…  I've got to go to see Them….    I've got to remind them how powerful God is…. and that God answers prayer…...

Peter went to John Mark´s mother´s house because he knew that that was where they gathered…. where many were gathered together praying….. He hasn't got much time…. He knows he's got to get out of town…… But first he wants to see the church and encourage them… verse 13….. Peter knocks at the door of the gate……..     Rhoda comes to the door and hears Peter´s voice….. She is so excited….   
She heard his voice and she opened not the gate for gladness….. She got so excited she forgot to let him in…..  
 And what are they are in the house having an all night prayer meeting for Peter…… …. Rhoda runs in and says…… He´s here! The Lord has heard our prayers…..   He's at the gate…..
Peter is wondering why it is taking so long….. He heard Rhoda´s excitement….. Where did she go? Rhoda… Open the gate…… Peter is standing in the middle of the road….. and she's in there having a debate with the disciples….   this is really funny…..  Because these early disciples are  like us Christians today…… We pray with great effort….. But we are often surprised when the LORD answers our prayers….  We seem to lack the faith to believe…… Sometimes we hear someone give their testimony….. And they joyfully say …. The Lord answered my prayer….  We who hear them speak are often in shock! What…. WoW! These disciples did not believe dear Rhoda…. Look at verse 15….
verse 15…. Rhoda…..  You're crazy…..  That´s impossible….. That would be a miracle…. Really…?
Isn't that unbelievable…. Think of this…. They are praying with all of their hearts….. Lord God please get Peter out of Jail…..  Rhoda comes running into the room where the are praying and says….. Peter's here! Rhoda…. you're crazy  He's in jail…….

And so they wouldn't believe her….. "But she constantly affirmed it was even so…… It is Peter….. Really…. He´s here!... They said…… Well then it's his angel….. 
verse 16….. Peter continued knocking…..  So finally they came to the door…….   "And when they had opened the door they saw him and they were astonished…..  Happy and excited…. But too loud!
verse 17…..But he beckoning unto them with the hand to hold their peace…..
He tells them to be quiet…… "He declared unto them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison."
  They all sat down and they said, what happened….. Tell us….. And he starts telling them about it……
He told them all about what happened….. He was able to bless and encourage them….  They needed to know what the Lord had done….. He had heard their prayers…. God had miraculously delivered him…. They needed ot know that the Lord had heard their prayers…. When you're in a time of difficulty…..  and you begin to pray and  pray….  If  you don't see anything happen right away…. We all have a tendency to doubt God…..  In our text today…..  God said, I want to remind you that I'm here….  And so God took the time to send Peter to them….. To comfort and encourage them….  even though it was dangerous because…  The LORD knew knew that those people needed to know He was listening….. And that he answered prayer according to His perfect will……   Herod had killed James…… But  God did  not spare James' life…..  God in His sovereignty….. Chose to deliver Peter this time….  
 Peter came to that house to show them that God's in control…… But Peter has to leave town…. He doesn´t take time to go and see James…. The brother of Jesus….
He says, "You go and tell this to James."  This is James the brother of Jesus….. We saw Peter….  he was there…. The Lord set him free…. The Bible doesn't tell us where he went……  but the events of the early church shifts to the ministry of Paul now….  We will only see Peter in Acts 15 briefly…. The focus becomes Paul´s ministry…. Let´s look at v 18…
Acts 12: 18- 20                         NKJV    
18 Then, as soon as it was day, there was no small stir among the soldiers about what had become of Peter. 19 But when Herod had searched for him and not found him, he examined the guards and commanded that they should be put to death. And he went down from Judea to Caesarea, and stayed there.
20 Now Herod had been very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon; but they came to him with one accord, and having made Blastus the king’s personal aide their friend, they asked for peace, because their country was supplied with food by the king’s country.

Acts 12:18- 20                              NeÜ
18 Als es Tag wurde, gerieten die Soldaten in große Bestürzung. Keiner wusste, was mit Petrus geschehen war.
19 Und als Herodes ihn holen lassen wollte, war er nirgends zu finden. Da verhörte er die Wachen und befahl, sie abzuführen. Anschließend begab er sich von Judäa wieder in seine Residenzstadt Cäsarea.
20 Damals lag Herodes im Streit mit den Bewohnern von Tyrus und Sidon. Nun schickten diese eine gemeinsame Delegation zu ihm. Der Abordnung gelang es, den königlichen Palastverwalter Blastus als Fürsprecher zu gewinnen. So baten sie um Frieden, weil ihr Gebiet von den Lebensmittellieferungen des königlichen Landes abhängig war.

Verse 18. "Now as soon as it was day, there was no small stir among the soldiers, what was become of Peter." Can you imagine? Those two guys woke up…… and there are the chains….. But Peter is gone….. And  the gates are open….. If a soldier loses a prisoner he pays with his life…..   Herod was very angry…… His plans to use Peter´s death for his own Glory…. has disappeared along with Peter….

Verse 19. "When Herod had sought for him…. They couldn't find him…... He examined the keepers and commanded they should be put to death….. Herod has learned that you can't fight God…..
Verse 19……And he went down from Judea to Caesarea and abode."   He was really upset…..  So he went down to Caesarea…..
Well he had learned a difficult lesson….. but he hadn't learned it very well…… He learned that you can't fight God because His power can't be resisted..... There is a second lesson coming to Herod…. God's punishment can't be avoided…… God's power can't be resisted and His punishment can't be avoided…...
verse 20…..And Herod was highly displeased with them of Tyre and Sidon…..
Tyre and Sidon were two free cities north of Caesarea…... Caesarea is   on the Mediterranean Sea….   technically they belong to Syria……. They were the neighbors of Galilee and of Herod's territory….. so there was a necessary trade between them…….

Tyre and Sidon were very good sea ports….. But they were very dependent upon Galilee…..  Herod was angry with them….   and he cut off all supplies and they were hurting badly….. They were in trouble because they were running out of food….. And they knew they needed to make peace with Herod……
So they came with one accord to him….. They all came to Herod…… They said we want to make peace….. "Having made Blastus, the king's chamberlain their friend."  
 Blastus was the king's  treasurer….. He had great power….
They came down to Ceseria to honor Herod and try to make things better….. Pure politics here….
They decided that they do whatever they needed to do to make peace…… They were desperate to  get their supplies back……
 Herod was elated….  His pride took hold of him….He was very glad to see two powerful cities bowing at his feet….. He decided to make a big event out of the visit… He decided that everyone should see how super he was….  Look at verse 21…

Acts 12: 21- 25                                        NKJV   
21 So on a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them. 22 And the people kept shouting, “The voice of a god and not of a man!” 23 Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died. 24 But the word of God grew and multiplied. 25 And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem when they had fulfilled their ministry, and they also took with them John whose surname was Mark.
Acts 12: 21- 25                                       NeÜ
21 An dem Tag, an dem die Beilegung des Streits verkündet werden sollte, hielt Herodes eine öffentliche Ansprache an sie. Er erschien dazu in königlichem Prunk auf der Tribüne des Theaters.
22 Das Volk von Cäsarea schrie begeistert: "So spricht ein Gott und nicht ein Mensch!"
23 Im gleichen Augenblick aber schlug ihn ein Engel des Herrn, weil er sich als Gott feiern ließ und nicht Gott die Ehre gab. Von Würmern zerfressen starb er unter Qualen.
24 Immer mehr Menschen hörten das Wort Gottes und kamen zum Glauben.
25 Nachdem Barnabas und Saulus ihre Aufgabe in Jerusalem erfüllt hatten, kehrten sie in Begleitung von Johannes Markus nach Antiochia zurück.
Verse 20…. So he declared a special day of celebration and called many leaders to stand before him……..
Verse 21, "And upon a set day Herod arrayed in royal apparel sat upon his throne and made an oration unto them….. There before him was gathered all of the leaders of  Tyre and Sidon….. They had come down to make peace with him….  
Herod is dressed in his silver robe….. They say that because of the silver thread….. It glowed in the sun….. He gives a speech…. Adoring and cheering crowds are everywhere…. They heard him give his little speech…..
Verse 22….. And the people gave a shout….. They're all screaming and yelling and saying, "It is the voice of a god, and not of a man." Man… Herod he loved every minute of it…... But you know what? God shares His glory with nobody……. Watch the next verse…….
verse 23…. And immediately an angel of the Lord smote him……  Why did he smite him? "Because he gave not God the glory…..  
He was full of pride….. Persuaded of his own Glory…..    And he was eaten of worms and died…... When that angel touched Herod….. God filled him with worms….. Josephus says they ate him for five days before he died…..  Herod in his pride and sin…. Fought God and His people….. He killed James but he didn´t kill Peter….. Herod´s sin had reached it´s full measure…. God said…. That´s enough….. You are a dead man… He died the painful death of an unrepentant sinner…. Filled with pride and rebellion….. What a tragedy….
Death by Worms…. There is a history of this kind of painful death for the unrepentant enemies of God….
Antiochus Epiphanies…. Who sacrificed a pig on the altar… He defiled the Temple….. He also fell down eaten of worms…… He died….
Herod the Great…… who hated and tried to kill Jesus as a baby…. Eaten of worms…. He died…
Theritema Queen of the Cyrenes…. Persecuted and hated God´s people….
Hermaneus governor of Rome…. Eaten of worms…. He died
Galarius Emporer of Rome….. eaten of worms…. He died….
Philip the 2nd  of Spain….. terrible persecutor of the church….. Eaten of Worms…

Right now today…. There are many enemies of God…. The kings and rulers of this world think that they are in charge….. Not true….  Nothing that this or any king could ever do….. can stop the sovereign plan of God….. Here in the beginning of this chapter we see James dead…. Peter in prison and Herod alive….. He thinks that he is some great one… He thinks that he is in control….. Then at the end of the chapter we see….. Herod dead and Peter free…… And the Word of God spreading out into the whole world…. In between we see the People of God in fervent prayer….. Praying to God with all of their hearts….. Maximum effort in prayer….. Look at the next verse…..
verse 24….. After all of this…… the Word of God  Grew and Multiplied…..  they were many new believers…… There is a famous quote by Tertullian….….. The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church…. It is true…..  Even if it costs us our lives…. We glorify God…. In life and in death…. God´s will and purposes cannot be stopped….
verse 25…… Notice that Paul and Barnabas were also in Jerusalem at this time…….. God in His sovereignty…. protected them just like Peter…. Now they returned from Jerusalem and went to Antioch….. They took John Mark with them on their trip…. Look at that…. Herod tried to stop the Gospel message….. He tried to shut up the followers of Jesus…. But he could not stop the believers…… He tried to shut the mouths of Jesus´ disciples…. But they continued to Proclaim the Good News.... He failed and the Gospel spread…… Persecution shot the church out all over the world……
A man is a fool to fight God….. because His power can't be defeated….. His purpose can't be frustrated….. And His punishment can't be avoided……
Listen to what Jesus said….. Jesus said, "I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." When God sets His sovereign plan in motion you can't stop Him……. Turn with me to Isaiah 45….. This chapter is about God´s sovereign call of a heathen king to act as God´s servant…..   
 Isaiah said this…. What sorrow awaits those who argue with their Creator……
There is another reason not to fight God…… He offers Salvation to all who will repent of their sins and cry out for forgiveness… turn with me to …. Isaiah 49….v8…
Isaiah 45: 8,9                                            NLT   
8  “Open up, O heavens, and pour out your righteousness. Let the earth open wide so salvation and righteousness can sprout up together. I, the Lord, created them.
9 “What sorrow awaits those who argue with their Creator. Does a clay pot argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying, ‘Stop, you’re doing it wrong!’ Does the pot exclaim, ‘How clumsy can you be?’
Isaiah 45: 8,9                              Neues Leben
8 Regne, Himmel, die Wolken sollen vor Gerechtigkeit überlaufen! Die Erde soll sich weit öffnen, damit sie Heil hervorbringe und gleichzeitig soll Gerechtigkeit wachsen. Ich, der Herr, werde es tun.
9 Denen, die im Streit mit ihrem Schöpfer leben, wird es schlimm ergehen. Sind sie doch nur eine unter vielen Tonscherben. Streitet der Lehm mit dem, der ihn formt und sagt: `Was machst du?´ Schreit der Topf: `Du hast zwei linke Hände!´ Oder: `Du bist zu ungeschickt?´  
verse 8  Here we see that God´s plan and purpose is to pour out His salvation on the earth…… With it comes the only righteousness that is real….. The righteousness that comes by faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…. It´s God´s plan for people to repent and be Saved!
Verse 9….. What sorrow awaits…. Don´t fight God….. Why would you argue with your creator….?
Look back at verse 8…. God´s purpose is to pour out righteousness and salvation on the whole earth….. What Good news! What mercy and grace…..
Titus 2:11-14                                         NKJV     
11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, 12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, 13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.
Titus 2:11-14                                     Sch2000
11 Denn die Gnade Gottes ist erschienen, die heilbringend ist für alle Menschen;
12 sie nimmt uns in Zucht, damit wir die Gottlosigkeit und die weltlichen Begierden verleugnen und besonnen und gerecht und gottesfürchtig leben in der jetzigen Weltzeit,
13 indem wir die glückselige Hoffnung erwarten und die Erscheinung der Herrlichkeit des großen Gottes und unseres Retters Jesus Christus,
14 der sich selbst für uns hingegeben hat, um uns von aller Gesetzlosigkeit zu erlösen und für sich selbst ein Volk zum besonderen Eigentum zu reinigen, das eifrig ist, gute Werke zu tun.
The grace of God has been revealed…. It is teaching us that we should turn away from ungodliness….. In another place we are told to flee the lusts of this world…… So don´t waste your chance… Receive the Grace that  God offers……. Don´t fight God!
Don´t blow it…. Now is the time and today is the day….
2 Cor 6:1,2                                  NLT   Neues Leben
1 As God’s partners, we beg you not to accept this marvelous gift of God’s kindness and then ignore it. 2 For God says,“At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.”Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation.
1 Als Gottes Mitarbeiter bitten wir euch mit allem Nachdruck, euch dieser wunderbaren Botschaft von Gottes großer Gnade nicht zu verweigern.
2 Denn Gott spricht: »Gerade zur richtigen Zeit habe ich dich erhört. Am Tag der Erlösung habe ich dir geholfen.«Gott ist bereit, euch gerade jetzt zu helfen. Heute ist der Tag der Erlösung.
If you've never repented of your sins and cried out to Him for forgiveness and mercy…. Today is the day….. Tomorrow is promised to no man…. Now is the time to come to the LORD Jesus……. He will save you…. He will forgive you…. He will wash your sins away…
A man is a fool to fight God….. Do not refuse to repent and come to Him….. He will forgive you…. He will redeem your broken hearts and lives…. Now Today….. Don´t fight against God for another minute…
Jesus is your…. Jesus is our only hope….. If we reject the Lord Jesus Christ…. We are rejecting God´s offer of grace and mercy….. We are fighting God's only provision for salvation and forgiveness of sins……