2014.07.27 Acts
12: 1- 10
James and Peter
Prayer and the Power of God
It´s great to see you here this morning… As many of you
know we teach through the Bible verse by verse…… We want to see the big picture
and understand our great God and our Savior Jesus Christ…. We are studying the
birth of the church in the book of Acts….. We are witnessing the explosion of
the Good News of the Gospel….. In the last few weeks we have seen the Gospel spreading
out from Jerusalem Just like Jesus said…. Barnabas and Paul have ministered to
the new Gentile church in Antioch….. These were very exciting times….. People
were repenting of their sins and even the Heathen were getting saved….. Awesome
times….. But hard times are coming again for the believers.….
This morning we come to the 12th Chapter of
Acts….. In this chapter we see three big
themes…. Persecution …. Prayer….. and the Power of God….. at work in a
sinful and dying world..… We will talk
about the power of God…. and how God operates in the lives of men……
We will look this morning at how the early church
responded to yet another persecution….. This is the fifth persecution the early
church has experienced….
But this time the
persecution does not come from the scribes and the Pharisees….. This time the
persecution comes from King Herod…. The rulers of this world are the natural
enemies of God…… They do not want the rule of God…… Not in their lives….. and
in their consciences…… Not in the affairs of men….. Turn with me to Psalms 2….
2: 1- 3 NLT
Why are the nations so angry? Why do they waste their time with futile plans?
The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together against the
Lord and against his anointed one.
“Let us break their chains,” they cry, “and free ourselves from slavery to
Psalms 2: 1- 3 Neues Leben
1 Warum toben die Völker vor Zorn? Warum schmieden sie
vergebliche Pläne?
2 Die Könige der Erde lehnen sich auf, die Herrscher der
Welt verschwören sich gegen den Herrn und seinen Gesalbten.
3 »Wir werden ihre Ketten zerreißen«, schreien sie, »und
uns von ihrer Herrschaft befreien!«
2 is a prophesy of the coming of the
Messiah….. The LORD Jesus…… It says that the entire world will join forces to
try to destroy the LORD and His people….. This is exactly what we are
seeing in our text today….. This is
exactly what we are seeing in the world today…… Christians and Jews are being persecuted and killed all over the
World…. The hatred that many have for God´s people is wicked and unbelievable….. We
need to cry out to God for mercy…… In these hard times we need to be men and
women of prayer….. We must look to the
Power of God to protect and to deliver….
Lets begin reading at Acts 12… v 1…..
12: 1- 4 NKJV
Now about that time Herod the king stretched out his hand to harass some from
the church. 2 Then he killed James the brother of John with the sword. 3 And
because he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to seize Peter
also. Now it was during the Days of Unleavened Bread. 4 So when he had arrested
him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep
him, intending to bring him before the people after Passover.
Acts 12: 1- 4 NeÜ
1 Um diese Zeit ging König Herodes gegen Mitglieder der
Gemeinde vor und ließ sie misshandeln.
2 Jakobus, den Bruder von Johannes, ließ er enthaupten.
3 Als er merkte, dass das den Juden gefiel, ließ er auch
Petrus festnehmen. Das geschah während des Festes der ungesäuerten Brote.
4 Er ließ ihn ins Gefängnis schaffen und von vier Gruppen
zu je vier Soldaten bewachen. Nach dem Passafest wollte er ihn vor dem Volk
As we read in Psalm 2….. The rulers of this world hate God and His Anointed
one…. The LORD JESUS CHRIST…. They willing fight against His rule in the
affairs of men…. One of the most famous families of kings that
ever fought God were the Herods….. In
this chapter…. we are introduced to another Herod……
Who is Herod? Well the first of the Herods…… was
Herod the Great…... He ruled about 41 B. C. until about the time
of the birth of Christ……. Herod Agrippa 1 is his grandson…. We are
reading about him this morning….. They are all descendents of the Maccabees…..They
were a powerful Jewish family….. Herod had been educated in Rome….. He knew the
powerful people because he had grown up with them in Rome….
What a sad day that was for the early church……. James was
one of Jesus´ inner circle… of James, John, and Peter…… They killed him with
the sword…… He was the son of Zebedee…… And the brother of John the apostle…….
In order to kill
somebody with a sword…..according to the Talmud……. people died of the sword
when they had led people after false gods…… Maybe
they had accused James of leading the
people after false gods…… The Jewish leaders saw Jesus as a deceiver…. Not a
follower of the true God…… and therefore they executed James in this way….. The
Jewish leaders were afraid of the explosion of the early church….. They used
Herod´s love of Judiaism and political ambition to attack the church…… They had
gladly used Saul of Tarsus hatred and zeal in the first years of the church….
Then when he was converted they needed new ways to fight the Christians…. Herod
was so ambitious that He was easily recruited to fight against the believers…..
is the first of the Apostles to die for the sake of the Gospel….
James had been slaughtered with the sword….. But even here
in this difficult event…. we see God´s hand and His plan.... Do you remember
the time that James and John sent their mother to Jesus….. They
were always arguing about who's going to sit next to Jesus in the kingdom….. What a
stupid thing to argue about…… There is not one sign of humility in these two
Sons of Thunder….. James and John said, "Mom, would you go ask Jesus if we can sit on
the right and left?"
Jesus says, "Can
you undergo what I'm going to undergo? Can you be baptized with the baptism with
which I will be baptized?" Oh why sure, they said…... They had no idea….
said, Matthew 20:23….. guys…. You will drink from my bitter cup…. And you will be
baptized with the baptism, which I will undergo." And
what was it? It's a baptism of persecution and death for James……. and decades
of suffering and torture for John…..
James fulfilled the prophecy That Jesus gave to them that
day…. James suffered and died…. John suffered even more and lived to be very
old…. He
didn't die…... He had to live in exile and punishment…… Both of them went
through difficult lives filled with pain for the cause of Christ……
And so it was that Herod´s hatred and pride fulfilled the
prophecy that Jesus gave to the sons of thunder…..
V3…. So he killed James, "and because he saw it pleased the Jews," "He proceeded
further to take Peter also."
Peter was the one they hated the most….. he was
the one that was proclaiming the gospel everywhere….
They had tried to put him in jail before…. but when he got out….. He went out preaching
again….. Angels and so forth were always letting him out…...
Herod said…. I'll kill the leader and they'll really love
"Then were
the days of unleavened bread." It was Passover time….. everybody was in town to celebrate the
required feast….. Jews from everywhere
came to Jerusalem….. He wanted maximum crowds to witness the death
of Peter…. He said…. I'll wait until ithe celebration is officially
over….. Then when everybody's still
hanging around….. Then I'll kill Peter…. Maximum impact….
" That must have been a terrible trauma for the church….. he
delivered to him four quaternions of soldiers…… A quaternion is four…… Four times four is sixteen…… sixteen
soldiers to watch Peter….. The Romans
had divided the watches into four watches of three hours each…... And so each
of these four would take a three-hour period…… Two of them were chained to
Peter…… Two of them were outside the cell….. That is maximum security…..
There was no way for Peter to escape…. He could not hope to
be released…..
So for the third
time Peter was put in prison….. Herod was determined to make sure he stayed
there until his trial and execution...... Herod thought that he was in
Let's look at the scene, verse 5….
12: 5- 10
Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for
him by the church. 6 And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night
Peter was sleeping, bound with two chains between two soldiers; and the guards
before the door were keeping the prison. 7 Now behold, an angel of the Lord
stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side
and raised him up, saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands.
8 Then the angel said to him, “Gird yourself and tie on your sandals”; and so
he did. And he said to him, “Put on your garment and follow me.” 9 So he went
out and followed him, and did not know that what was done by the angel was
real, but thought he was seeing a vision. 10 When they were past the first and
the second guard posts, they came to the iron gate that leads to the city,
which opened to them of its own accord; and they went out and went down one
street, and immediately the angel departed from him.
Acts 12: 5- 10 NeÜ
5 Während Petrus streng bewacht im Gefängnis saß, betete
die Gemeinde inständig für ihn zu Gott.
6 In der Nacht vor der von Herodes geplanten Verurteilung
schlief Petrus zwischen zwei Soldaten. Er war an jeden mit einer Kette
gefesselt, während zwei andere vor der Tür seiner Zelle Wache hielten.
7 Plötzlich stand ein Engel des Herrn vor ihm und ein
helles Licht erfüllte die Zelle. Er stieß Petrus in die Seite, um ihn zu
wecken. "Steh schnell auf!", sagte er. Sofort fielen ihm die Ketten von
den Handgelenken ab.
8 "Binde den Gürtel um und zieh deine Sandalen
an!", befahl der Engel. Petrus tat es. "Wirf den Mantel über und
9 Petrus folgte dem Engel hinaus. Doch er wusste nicht,
ob es Wirklichkeit war, was er mit dem Engel erlebte. Er meinte zu träumen.
10 Sie gingen an der ersten Wache vorbei, dann an der
zweiten und kamen an das eiserne Tor, das in die Stadt führte. Das öffnete sich
ihnen von selbst. Sie traten hinaus und gingen eine Straße weit fort. Dort verschwand der Engel neben ihm
V5…. but prayer was made without ceasing by the church
unto God for him…… They all started praying….. The
first thing anybody ought to do when bad things happen….. is to begin to pray......
They knew that God hears….. Notice that it says,…."But prayer was made without ceasing." That big greek word doesn't just
mean without ceasing…… it also means total radical effort…… no holds
barred….. It's the Greek word ἐκτενής ektenēs….. It is a medical term and
it has to do with stretching a muscle to its limit…… It means total effort……
They were totally lost in prayer…...
Here's a good illustration of the word… This is the word is used of Jesus when He
prayed in the garden in anguish and great drops of blood fell from Him…… That's
the same term…… They prayed in total anguish….. They suffered in prayer…. And it continued day and night…. James 5:16….
Says…. "The effectual fervent
prayer of a righteous man avails much." This is a glorious truth for
us to remember…..
So they prayed with total effort….…… ἐκτενής ektenēs This total effort word is used about three things
in the Bible…….
love 1 Peter 4:8
service Acts 26:7
prayer Acts 12:5
They're so important in the New Testament……. Ektenes…. 1 is love, I Peter 4:8….. Let´s read it in
context…. V7…
Peter 4: 7-10 NKJV
But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your
prayers. 8 And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love
will cover a multitude of sins.” 9 Be hospitable to one another without
grumbling. 10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as
good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 11 If anyone speaks, let him speak
as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability
which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus
Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4: 7-11 NeÜ
7 Das Ende aller Dinge ist nahe. Seid also besonnen und
klar in euren Gebeten.
8 Vor allem aber hört nicht auf, euch gegenseitig zu
lieben, denn die Liebe deckt viele Sünden zu.
9 Seid gastfrei untereinander, ohne zu murren.
10 Gott hat jedem von euch Gaben geschenkt, mit denen ihr
einander dienen könnt. Tut das als gute Verwalter der vielfältigen Gnade
11 Wenn jemand redet, soll Gott durch ihn sprechen
können. Wenn jemand anderen hilft, soll er es in der Kraft tun, die Gott ihm
schenkt. Dann wird Gott in allem geehrt werden. Möglich ist das durch Jesus
Christus geworden, dem die Herrlichkeit gehört und die Macht in alle Ewigkeit. Amen.
I want you to notice in this passage…. that all three are
mentioned….. love service and prayer….. That´s because they are all connected
to each other…..
V7… be
serious and watchful in your prayers….
above all things have fervent love for each other…
10,11…. Minister and serve…. As good stewards of the Grace of
God….. The grace of God that we have
received….. And the words of Life that have transformed and saved us….. These
are precious things….. We are here being encouraged to be good stewards of
them…. We serve the Lord as good stewards when we love and sever and pray for
each other and when we give out the Words of Life to a lost a dying world….
These things show our faithful stewardship….. And… look at the end of verse
11….. When we serve the LORD and each
other in these ways….. The Lord is Glorified in all things! He is Glorified in
our living for Him….. He is Glorified in our dying for Him…. In our text
this morning we see God´s power and
sovereign hand at work….. Peter is delivered from the hand of his enemies
this time….. He continues to Glorify the
LORD with his life….
James was killed by the sword as a heretic…… But he also Glorified the LORD….. He
Glorified the Lord in his death…. We belong to Him….. We have been bought
with a price…… He knows what’s best
for us….. His will is that we Glorify Him….. And we will Glorify him… In life or in death….
This reminds me of what Paul wrote to the Romans in
chapter 14…. Let´s read it…. Turn
with me to Romans 14… 7…
14: 7-9
For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself. 8 For if we live,
we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we
live or die, we are the Lord’s. 9 For to this end Christ died and rose[b] and
lived again, that He might be Lord of both the dead and the living.
Romans 14: 7-9 NKJV Ne Ü
7 Denn keiner von uns lebt für sich selbst und keiner von
uns stirbt für sich selbst.
8 Wenn wir leben, leben wir für den Herrn, und wenn wir
sterben, gehören wir dem Herrn. Im Leben und im Tod gehören wir dem Herrn.
9 Dazu ist Christus ja gestorben und wieder lebendig
geworden, dass er über Tote und Lebende der Herr sei.
whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.
Back to 1 Peter 4…. v8…. On last look at verse 8…
Peter 4: 8 NKJV NeÜ
And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a
multitude of sins
8 Vor allem aber hört nicht auf, euch gegenseitig zu
lieben, denn die Liebe deckt viele Sünden zu.
8….. have fervent love for each other… the Greek here is…. ἐκτενής ektenēs agape…. Radical… to the max…
love….selfless love……
like Jesus poured out his life for us….. We ought to pour out our love for
We're to stretch
our love to the max….. We are to love people with a total effort…. . In
other words….. we're to reach as far as we can….. to the limits of our ability….. and really love people.….. That was #1ektenes
agape…. Radical love…
Then it's used in
Acts 26:7 to speak of 2 service to the
LORD and others…. ἐκτένεια ekteneia λατρεύω
latreuō… total effort….radical….. serving…. Here is Paul proclaiming the Good news using the total effort of faithful Jews in seeking and serving the
LORD… turn to Acts 26…v.7…
26: 7,8
7 To
this promise our twelve tribes, earnestly serving God night and day, hope to
attain. For this hope’s sake, King Agrippa, I am accused by the Jews. 8 Why
should it be thought incredible by you that God raises the dead?
7 Unser ganzes zwölfstämmiges Volk dient Gott Tag und
Nacht in der Hoffnung, diese Erfüllung erleben zu dürfen. Und wegen dieser
Hoffnung, o König, werde ich ausgerechnet von den Juden angeklagt.
8 Warum fällt es euch Juden denn so schwer zu glauben,
dass Gott Tote auferweckt?
The Greek here is ἐκτένεια
ekteneia λατρεύω latreuō… serving as a total
effort….. We're not supposed to serve the LORD JESUS Christ half-hearted…...
We're supposed to serve Him with total
effort…… Literally agonizingly….. That´s how we're to serve Him……. With all of our heart,
soul and strength….
The third way that Ektenes is used….. is here in our text
this morning…. προσευχή proseuchē
Ektenes… total effort prayer…. Fervent in prayer……. Back to Acts 12….v5…
12: 5 NJV NeÜ
Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for
him by the church
5 Während Petrus streng bewacht im Gefängnis saß, betete
die Gemeinde inständig für ihn zu Gott.
Christian is to serve God intensely….
loving others fervently…. in a
self-sacrificial way…. Total effort in
service and in prayer…..
agonized in prayer…… They prayed without ceasing…. Fervent…. Total effort…..
They cried out to God…. Lord help
Peter….. Deliver him from Herod…. Let´s look at Acts 12…v6,7….
12: 6,7
And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping, bound
with two chains between two soldiers; and the guards before the door were
keeping the prison. 7 Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a
light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up,
saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands.
Acts 12: 6,7 NeÜ
6 In der Nacht vor der von Herodes geplanten Verurteilung
schlief Petrus zwischen zwei Soldaten. Er war an jeden mit einer Kette
gefesselt, während zwei andere vor der Tür seiner Zelle Wache hielten.
7 Plötzlich stand ein Engel des Herrn vor ihm und ein
helles Licht erfüllte die Zelle. Er stieß Petrus in die Seite, um ihn zu
wecken. "Steh schnell auf!", sagte er. Sofort fielen ihm die Ketten
von den Handgelenken ab.
Herod thinks he's got everything
secured…. These Christians haven't got
any power….. They are powerless to
deliver Peter….. All they could do was to pray…. And pray they did….
Herod says….. Go
get Peter….. Herod's getting ready to execute Peter in the
morning…… Peter is sleeping like a baby…
Peter was not very worried…. He had been in jail before and it wasn't any big
deal…… The last time he was arrested….. The Lord got him out….. He was at
peace….. He knew that the Lord was in control….
Peter trusted in God´s promise and in God´s power to keep
His promises… God´s unfailing love is shown in His promises…. For example…. Hebrews 13:5…. I will never leave you… I will never forsake
So Peter went to
sleep. Peter
also said in I Peter 5:7 "Casting all your care him, for He cares for
you." Herod was certain that he had won….. But the power of God was about
to take the situation over completely….
7, "Behold an angel of the Lord came in on him and a light shown in the
up Peter. Arise quickly. Get up," looking further…v8-10…
12: 8-10
Then the angel said to him, “Gird yourself and tie on your sandals”; and so he
did. And he said to him, “Put on your garment and follow me.” 9 So he went out
and followed him, and did not know that what was done by the angel was real,
but thought he was seeing a vision. 10 When they were past the first and the
second guard posts, they came to the iron gate that leads to the city, which
opened to them of its own accord; and they went out and went down one street,
and immediately the angel departed from him.
Acts 12: 8-10 NeÜ
8 "Binde den Gürtel um und zieh deine Sandalen
an!", befahl der Engel. Petrus tat es. "Wirf den Mantel über und
9 Petrus folgte dem Engel hinaus. Doch er wusste nicht,
ob es Wirklichkeit war, was er mit dem Engel erlebte. Er meinte zu träumen.
10 Sie gingen an der ersten Wache vorbei, dann an der
zweiten und kamen an das eiserne Tor, das in die Stadt führte. Das öffnete sich
ihnen von selbst. Sie traten hinaus und gingen eine Straße weit fort. Dort
verschwand der Engel neben ihm plötzlich.
verse 8, he
says, "Get your belt, pull it
together, get your sandals on, Peter we're leaving…. Get dressed…
all of a sudden he's on his feet….. He's got his sandals
on and he's there and he's probably kind of bleary eyed and he says, "Follow me." And off they go down
the dark corridors of the prison…... "And he knew not that it was true, which was
done by the angel." He thought he saw a vision…….
verse 10… When
they were past the first and the second guard posts….. the
iron gate opened to them all by itself…. and they went
out….. and went down one street, and immediately the angel departed….
This angel had done his job…. He delivered Peter from the
It reminds us of Acts 5 when they were in prison before…...
Remember? When the rulers sent for them….. They were gone…. They reported back to the rulers…. The prison
is locked….. the gates are secure….. the locks are on….. the guards are there…..
But the prisoners are gone…… And then another runs in and says…… You're not
going to believe it…. They're back in the temple preaching about Jesus again…. Peter
had been released again by an angel that time as well….. No prison can hold the
servant of God…. If God wants him free….
In Acts 5…. The LORD delivered all of the believers from
the hands of the enemy….. They continued to serve the Lord Fervently…… as we
read in 1 peter 4…. Ecktenes Agape….
Total….radical love and Ecktenes service and ektenes prayer…. They
Glorified the LORD with their lives…. Here in our text today…. We
see 2 disciples…. James is killed by the sword…… Peter is once again delivered
out of the hands of the enemy…..
God is His sovereignty
chose different paths for these 2 men of God…. James was killed quickly
by the sword of a wicked King Herod.….. Peter was miraculously delivered by the power of God from the hands of the
same wicked king…. God´s sovereign Plan!
Today´s confused and unbiblical theology….. Would say
that James didn´t have enough faith to get out of jail…..
Unsinn ) nonsense!
was full of faith and trust in the LORD…. He served the Lord Jesus with all of
His heart and with all of His strength….. The Lord decides
what happens to his servants in this world…. Some of us will Glorify the Lord
in our death at the hands of the enemies of God..…. Some of us will Glorify the Lord with our
deliverance from the hand of the enemy…. We do not always understand why things
happen…. But we know our great God…. We
can trust him…. Our forever is certain…. We will be with the LORD….. forever….
We belong to Jesus…. He knows what is best…. He has a
plan…. Amen…?
You know…. Even in times of persecution…. Even when
disaster strikes….. We who have repented of our sins and cried out to God for
mercy and forgiveness…… We are and remain God´s dearly loved children…. Dearly
loved children who are not perfect…… Who still sin against the Lord who bought
us with His precious blood…. We still rebel against our heavenly Father…..
Refusing to follow and obey Him who loved us so very much….
James´ brother…. The other son of Thunder…… John… became the
Theologian of the church….. He has something to say to us about our forever…
and about our responsibility to purify ourselves….. It´s a good text to read as
we prepare ourselves for communion….Turn with me to 1 John 3: 1-3….
1 John
3: 1- 3 NLT Neues Leben
See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that
is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we
are God’s children because they don’t know him. 2 Dear friends, we are already
God’s children, but he has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ
appears. But we do know that we will be like him, for we will see him as he
really is. 3 And all who have this eager expectation will keep themselves pure,
just as he is pure.
1 John 3: 1- 3 NLT
Neues Leben
1 Seht, wie viel Liebe unser himmlischer Vater für uns
hat, denn er erlaubt, dass wir seine Kinder genannt werden - und das sind wir
auch! Doch die Menschen, die zu dieser Welt gehören, kennen Gott nicht; deshalb
verstehen sie auch nicht, dass wir seine Kinder sind.
2 Meine lieben Freunde, wir sind schon jetzt die Kinder
Gottes, und wie wir sein werden, wenn Christus wiederkommt, das können wir uns
nicht einmal vorstellen. Aber wir wissen, dass wir bei seiner Wiederkehr sein
werden wie er, denn wir werden ihn sehen, wie er wirklich ist.
3 Und jeder, der diese Hoffnung hat, achtet darauf, dass
er rein bleibt, so wie Christus rein ist.
We are already His dearly loved Children…. We will be
like Jesus when we see Him face to face…. In the meantime we are called to
purify ourselves…. To let Jesus wash our feet…..